10 Coolest USB Devices ...


10 Coolest USB Devices ...
10 Coolest USB Devices ...

You probably spend more time at work, in front of your computer, than you do at home, or anywhere else. Why not make your home-away-from-home a little more comfortable and personal? I’m not talking about a set of framed photos of your sweetheart or kids, or a squeezing stress ball, or that calendar with the cute little kitties. Try some of these super-cool USB devices!

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Retro Lamp

Retro Lamp Price: $7.95 at perpetualkid.com
Available in cheery orange, nifty green, bright blue, or pretty purple, this cool little lamp plugs directly into your USB port to help shed some much-needed light! Its flexible neck allows you to twist and turn it any which way, and it has a handy on/off switch.


Robot USB Flash Drive

Robot USB Flash Drive Price: $24.99 at girlzlyfe.com
Remember those wind-up tin robot toys? These are similar, but they hide a neat little USB storage device in their clever little feet! Choose one of three colors (pink, black, or red) and enjoy 1 GB of storage in a little robot just over 2 inches tall. His eyes light up and flash during data transfers… cool!


Marc Jacobs USB Hub Cassette

Marc Jacobs USB Hub Cassette Price: $15.00 at marcjacobs.com
Choose from one of four cool retro-styled cassette designs, and go from one puny USB port to three. Alas, you can’t buy this online… but it’s well worth the trip to any Marc Jacobs retail store, isn’t it? My fave is the “Melt Mix” design with the sweet little red hearts…


USB Mini Cooling Fridge

Price: $24.99 at xoxide.com
Ahh, the perfect place to chill a 12 ounce can of your favorite (non-alcoholic!) beverage. Just like a normal-sized fridge, this one has a light that turns on when you open the door, but unlike a regular fridge, it will get cold just five minutes after plugging into your USB port.


RayD80 the Skeletal USB Flash Drive

RayD80 the Skeletal USB Flash Drive Price: $30.00 at girlzlyfe.com
BZZT! Was your favorite little flash drive struck by lightning? Suddenly you can see his cute little skeleton… hmm… he’s thinner than most stylized character USB drives, and has a lot more devilish charm!


Devil Drive USB Prank Device

Devil Drive USB Prank Device Price: $22.99 at amazon.com
It’s time to update your bag of pranks, and this is the way to go! Insert this ordinary-looking USB drive into any computer and after 15 minutes, it will cause (harmless) mayhem. It will cause random cursor movement, type in weird garbage text, and toggle off and on the CAPS LOCK key at odd times. Once you remove it, the ruckus ends… of course, use with caution… but so much fun!


Quiksilver 2GB All 80's SkateDrive USB Flash Drive

Quiksilver 2GB All 80's SkateDrive USB Flash Drive Price: $11.24 at buy.com
Have you run out of space on your hard drive for your REM music? There’s never been a better sk8er anthem than “ITEOTWAWKI,” and no more appropriate place to store it than this 1980’s flashback flash drive! It’s a tiny finger-sized skate-board that hides a 2 GB USB drive.


Retro Fan & Hub

Retro Fan & Hub Price: $14.99 at perpetualkid.com
Add style and a much-needed breeze to your desktop! This cool antique-styled fan plus into the USB port of any Mac or PC, and even has three USB ports in the front. Just plug it in — there’s no software to download or install. Cool (literally)!

*7 Super Cute Retro Buys …


Birthday Kit

Birthday Kit Price: $12.99 at perpetualkid.com
Somewhere in that behemoth company you work for, it’s someone’s birthday. Sue in Accounting? Jeff in Logistics? Amanda in Marketing? Buy one of these fun, silly Birthday Kits and make sure it makes its way around the office. Kit includes a set of brightly-colored monitor lights, a hat, and a festive mouse-pad.


Mix Tape USB Drive

Mix Tape USB Drive Price: $15.99 at perpetualkid.com
Remember mix tapes? You’d choose the perfect songs, agonizing over the order and carefully written liner notes, then pass it to your sweetie in math class. Go back to the era of tape with this retro mix tape USB drive. It looks like an old mix tape, only made for the new millennium — 64 MB of song storage, which works out to about an hour of music. The best part? You can still write your own liner notes!

Now your office space can be your own little oasis via your USB ports, complete with a gentle breeze, flattering light, and even a nice cold drink. Almost like a mini-vacation, right there at your desk! I love technology! Which of these clever devices do you like best? Please let me know!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

OMG all the stuff is extra cool! Especally love the retro lamp (green) and fan also the Quiksilver skate Drive USB is so cute !

So cute!

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