8 Cool Tech Products ...


There are tons of cool tech products that will be making their debut in the coming year. Because I am super excited about a lot of them, I decided to highlight 8 cool tech products that will be coming out in 2011. For some of them, you can't even anticipate what they're going to cost because the manufacturers are being uber closed mouth, but hey, you can at least dream, right?

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Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo 3DS Photo Credit: HK-DMZ

3D is totally in, you can see that from all the movies coming out in 3D, not to mention the innovation of 3D TVs. Nintendo intends to join the revolution: at some point in 2011 (it looks like it's going to be March), Nintendo will be launching the 3DS. Clever, right? Nintendo DS, 3DS … get it? The top screen will be 3D, the graphics are supposed to be stellar, you can connect to Wi-Fi, and each half of the 3D pictures you see will have its own camera.


RIM Playbook

RIM Playbook Photo Credit: Sprint Users

Research in Motion, or RIM, has long been a popular phone manufacturer, but in 2011 the company will be throwing its hand into the ring to go up against the iPad. Starting somewhere beneath four hundred bucks, you'll be able to get the RIM Playbook early in the new year.


Motorola Android Tablet

Motorola Android Tablet Photo Credit: socialmediaseo.net
The Android has become just about as popular as the iPhone, and in 2011, it will be launching a Motorola tablet. The tablet will run Gingerbread, which is Android 2.3. Some leaks suggest that Verizon users will be the lucky ducks who get to use the tablet. Given the things the Android can do, it's sure to be super cool.


Google Social

Photo Credit: socialtimes.com

Remember the fun Myspace vs. Facebook war? Well, evidently Google has decide it's time for another one. No one is really yet sure if Google Social is actually the name of the super secret project Google is working on, but everybody is pretty sure that the popular company is ready to go up against Facebook.


Chrome Notebooks

Photo Credit: t3chh3lp.com

If you're a fan of Google Chrome, you're going to be jumping for joy in a second. Notebooks from manufacturers like Samsung and Acer will come complete with the Google Chrome operating system. They're currently scheduled to be shipped sometime in mid 2011. Of course, people are already wondering if the OS will be as ugly as the current version, but there's lots of hope that it will be smooth and elegant.


HP Palm Tablet


Verizon IPhone


IPad 2

Photo Credit: geekword.net
And finally, we have the iPad 2. Apple anticipates that they will be able to sell six million of the new iPads. That is, six million every month. That may be true, considering that known improvements include cameras in the front and the back, the ability to video call with Facetime, and an enviable new price of $200. If that's true, then when Apple starts shipping the tablets in the spring, they might even exceed their own expectations.

I love the fact that so many v2 prices are better than prior versions. I'd invest in some of these products if they didn't cost an arm, a leg, and a soul. Are you look forward to any new products being released in 2011?

Top Photo Credit: fabianmohr

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I love apple products!

I'm STOKED about the iPhone coming to VZ!! The real thing! Yay!! I'm waiting till this summer though because Apple will be updating the software and it won't be released till either June or July (I think). I'm about as happy as they come!

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