9 Things You Don't Have to Buy New ...


9 Things You Don't Have to Buy New ...
9 Things You Don't Have to Buy New ...

There are some things that you do not have to buy new. Sometimes, it is okay to go out and buy things that are used. In fact, there are times when it would be best if you purchase used, instead of purchasing new. By doing this, you will be saving some hard earned money. Depending on where you get the stuff, you can purchase something 50.00 slightly used that is 500.00 in the store. So, what are some things that are okay to buy used? Below, I am going to give you 9 things you don’t have to buy new …

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You do not have to buy computers brand new. If you cannot afford 1,000 dollars for a high end gaming computer, then you can easily go to a pawn shop or online and buy a used computer that you can afford. I just got a used laptop, which is updated for 375.00. Normally, brand new, it would cost over 600.00. I definitely saved money by doing this.



Clothes is another thing you can purchase used. Of course, if it’s dirty, you don’t want it. When I was a teenager, I would avoid places like Goodwill. Now, I like going there. I usually don’t buy clothes there for myself, but I wouldn’t have a problem doing it, if it were something that I really liked.

Frequently asked questions


Wedding Dress and Prom Dress

Believe it or not, you can buy a wedding dress or a prom dress used for cheap. When I was in a second hand shop the other day, I found a wedding dress for ten dollars. It was a beautiful dress. You can also find beautiful prom dresses in second hand shops for a cheap price. It is much better than spending a lot of money.


Video Games

Even places like Gamestop have pre-owned games. If the games do not have any scratches on them, then there is nothing wrong with buying them. I even buy games if they have scratches on them, because I have a good buffer to fix those problems.


A Vehicle

If you are wanting to save some money when purchasing a vehicle, instead of purchasing one that is brand new, try looking for one that is used. There are many magazines that will allow you to look at used vehicles. You can also do this on the Internet.

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A Television

Believe it or not, I purchased a used television. Do you look down on me for that? Well, you shouldn’t. It was 289.00 and brand new, it is 800.00 in the store. Again, I saved money by doing this.



There are some used bookstores in my area. I will admit it now, I like to read and enjoy looking through the used books. They are much cheaper (I’m talking fifty cents a book).


Office Furniture

Do you need a new desk? Then you can purchase it used.


A Pet

You didn’t expect to see this one on here, did you? By this, I mean it is okay to go to an animal shelter and get a pet. Buying a pet from a breeder is only supporting puppy mills. The dog Santa just got for my little girl was a rescue. My pit bull was even a rescue. Adopt a pet today!

Those are 9 things you don’t have to buy new. If you are looking for used stuff, Craigslist.com is a great place – just be careful with meeting people. Do you want to add some items to this?

Top Photo Credit: boydbrooks999 in KS

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