7 Ways to Have Fun This Winter ...


7 Ways to Have Fun This Winter ...
7 Ways to Have Fun This Winter ...

It may be winter, but that’s no reason to hide inside and sit there being bored! There’s so much to do before spring gets here! Here are my ideas for the seven best ways to have fun this winter… enjoy!

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Ice Skate

Ice Skate Grab your cutest, most colorful mittens, hat, and pretty scarf, fill a thermos with hot cocoa or cider, and hit the ice (or ice rink)! Most rinks have skate rentals, if you don’t have your own, and some even have a concession stand, if you forget your thermos. Show off by skating backwards, make figure eights, or (if you’re like me), just have fun trying not to fall down!

Photo Credit: John Carleton


Costume Party

Costume Party Chances are, you and everyone you know have a closetful of costumes you’ve worn for one Halloween party or another. What better way to put them to use again and to have fun, than to host a costume party? You can choose a theme, like Renaissance Faire, Movie Characters, or Mardi Gras, or just let people wear whatever costume they choose! Hand out small favors that match the theme, and award prizes to the best costumes!

Photo Credit: mosippy

Frequently asked questions


Find a New Holiday

Find a New Holiday What to do between New Year’s Day and Valentine’s Day? Bored between Saint Patrick’s Day and Easter? Then discover a new holiday to celebrate! Love bumbershoots? Then throw an Umbrella Day party on February 10. What a great excuse to carry a cute umbrella and take pictures! Are you a fan of Dr. Seuss’ children’s books? Then celebrate his birthday, March 2. Or, if you’re a Barbie girl, celebrate the introduction of the doll who has everything, on March 9. If you can’t find a holiday that suits your fancy, invent your own, name it, choose a day for it, and throw a party!

Photo Credit: polielapia


Rock Band/Guitar Hero Party

Rock Band/Guitar Hero Party Who hasn’t secretly wanted to be a rock star? Indulge your fantasy and host a Rock Band or Guitar Hero party! Take turns singing, playing bass, guitar, drums, or just be a Rock Band roadie, groupie, fan, or photographer! With so many versions of the games, and literally hundreds of songs to choose from, the tune you sing in your car or in the shower is bound to be out there! More of a dance fan? Throw a Dance Dance Revolution instead! Btw, DDR is also a great way to lose weight while having a blast!

Photo Credit: karindalziel


Snowball Fight!

Snowball Fight! After a big snowfall, get the kids (of all ages) together, get bundled up, choose sides, and have an epic snowball fight! What better way to spend a snow day than pelting your loved ones with mushy, soft snowballs? Have someone shoot photos of the mayhem and chaos, and make sure someone keeps the cocoa warm!

Photo Credit: KWG73

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Ski or Snowboard

Ski or Snowboard I live in Michigan, smack in the American Mid-west, flat and wooded and dull, but covered in snow for most of the winter. What we lack in mountains, or even proper hills, we make up for in ingenuity. We find all sorts of places and ways to ski and snowboard. So even if you live in a state or country with no terrain for skiing, try cross-country, or strap on your board and head for the nearest man-made bunny hill. It’s great fun, and an incredible cardio exercise! If you’re skiing or boarding at a real ski resort, be sure to reward yourself at the end of a good run with a visit to the lodge!

Photo Credit: /ltus


Polar Bear

Polar Bear The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, so why on earth would anyone in their right mind jump into a lake or river of frigid water in their skivvies, or worse, in the nude? If you haven’t tried it, but have always been curious, then try it! Look up your local Polar Bear club and find out when they plan their next swim. Psyche yourself up, take a deep breath, and go for it! Brr!

Photo Credit: ucumari

Spring may seem ages away, but with so many exciting, fun things to do this winter, there’s no excuse for complaining that you’re bored! One note of caution, because I am a mother after all: if you’re playing outside, beware of frost-bite. Which of these ideas do you plan to try this winter? What’s your favorite winter-time activity? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: rainlover_vancouver

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Haha the polar bear plunge! Sounds insane (and it probably is) but it's a unique thing to do during the winter. May people usually do this crazy stunt on new years ^^ brrr I would never!

Mmmm I would love it if I can go Ice Skating here in Malta. But unfortunately we don't have snow. We used to have an Ice Arena and I passed some wonderful times there! Nice Memories! :)

I would love to skate, but I don't know how. I think is too late for me to try it at my age :), I feel embarrassed to go and practice while 3-4 years old children are skating around me :)

aww. I live in Florida. We don't really get winter. We get summer, summer, fall and summer. It did get cold for few weeks this time, colder than the previous years. Now it's back to rain and sunshine. I feel like I am missing out on all the winter fun.

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