8 Tips for Winter Beauty ...


8 Tips for Winter Beauty ...
8 Tips for Winter Beauty ...

In the cold, dark days of winter, it’s all too easy to forget about beauty routines. After all, we’re pretty much covered up from head to toe! Add to that a touch of winter blues, and we often don’t feel inclined to pay any attention to our appearance. So I’ve come up with some tips to boost our beauty.

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Moisturise! Photo Credit: sjk2007

A dry, red face isn’t exactly appealing, so don’t forget to moisturise regularly. Do you really need a heavier cream in winter? I’d say let your skin be the judge of that. Also, don’t forget your hands – they too can suffer from the cold.



Colour isn’t just for the summer months - bring some brightness into the winter gloom with a lovely eyeshadow or strong lipstick. The same goes for clothes. Try some bright tights, a colourful sweater, or eye-catching scarf. And don’t just go for black or brown boots – try a bold alternative like purple or red.

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Experiment Photo Credit: Anna Gay

Time to try something new! Treat yourself to some new makeup in colours you’ve never tried before. Add bold accessories to your outfit. Instead of wearing black, try to find some new colour combinations in your wardrobe.


Simple Style

Simple Style Photo Credit: JenniPenni

Since you may well be wearing a hat much of the time, keep your hairstyle simple. Otherwise you risk the dreaded ‘helmet head’ when you pull off your hat!


Dye Job

Dye Job Photo Credit: Éricka

There’s nothing like a new hair colour for making you feel different. If you’re nervous about making a change, go to a salon or try a semi-permanent colour. There are some fabulous shades – experiment and see what suits you!

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Capitalise Photo Credit: cwdphoto

When it gets so cold that you need to wear a hat, make the most of it and experiment. Many of us think that we don’t suit hats, but it’s a question of finding the right style to suit. So head off to a hat shop and try on different styles until you find the perfect one. Then you can stay warm AND look fabulous!



Pamper Photo Credit: Pink Sherbet Photography

Take advantage of the cold evenings, and treat yourself to a facial. Of course, you can always go to a salon if you prefer, but staying at home in front of the fire can also be relaxing. Give yourself a pedicure, paint your nails, slap on a moisturising mask and don’t forget a good body cream to keep your whole skin soft.


Don’t Abandon Hope!

Don’t Abandon Hope! Photo Credit: PinkStock Photos!

It’s very easy in winter to feel that there’s no point trying to look good. Legs get hairier than Bigfoot, eyebrows look like they need pruning … but enough about me. Paying some attention to your appearance can make you feel more positive in the cold weather.

What’s important for winter beauty? Do you change your routine or products according to the season, or keep things the same all year round? Do you have any tips for looking good no matter what the weather’s like?

Top Photo Credit: Ingrid Photography

Feedback Junction

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I actually use St. Ives Apricot Scrub every other day after my showers. Whether my face is looking dry and flaky or perfectly fine, I use it anyways so dead skin doesn't build up and get the chance to dry out and flake my face up. I don't even need moisterizer after I use it!

Good tips. But do you know exfoliating and scrubbing regularly actually do age your skin fast. Renewed skin that comes after scrubbing is actully older than your previous skin.So do them in moderation.

These tips could be helpful for many women during the colder weather. Thanks for sharing!

Great tips!

Moisturize is really no joke. I do need a heavier cream in the winter.

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