8 Tips on Looking Great This Time of the Year ...


8 Tips on Looking Great This Time of the Year ...
8 Tips on Looking Great This Time of the Year ...

Right now, I am going to give you 8 tips on looking great this time of the year. In this blog, I want to get a message of mine across to someone that I believe needs a confidence booster. I will let that message out in number 1.

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Eyebrows Photo Credit: eloganphotography

My husband asked me if I ever plucked my eyebrows, because he never saw me doing it, yet they looked plucked all the time. The answer is no, I do not pluck them and I have never had to. I am blessed in that manner – thank goodness. As a good tip – you should keep them plucked and don’t let them go everywhere. Keep any hair shaved, even if it is during the winter time. Soft skin with no hair looks and feels sexy.



Scarves Photo Credit: Mr. T in DC

During this time of the year it is still chilly. Wait, no, it is freezing! So, yes, a scarf would look great. In fact, a scarf can really make an outfit look good. Just make sure you pick one that suits your outfit. You could always pick a different scarf each day.

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Earrings Photo Credit: tara.biglari

I always thought earrings looked great, no matter what time of the year is. I personally like wearing the big hoop earrings. I like the dangly type. When you do this, make sure you do not wear any necklace that clashes with them. This can really break a look.



Clothing Photo Credit: ishandchi

You should be careful with your clothing. You do not have to be super trendy. Just make sure those clothes are clean and it is the style that suits you the best. Don’t wear clothes that are too tight, but don’t wear clothes that are too baggy. The clothes should fit your body style. We are all made differently. Some have large hips, some have broad shoulders and some have no backside. Shop for clothes that compliment your body style.



Makeup Photo Credit: Madeline Victoria

For your makeup, I believe natural is beautiful. Applying makeup everyday is fine, just don’t put too much. Remember, there is a different between daily makeup and evening makeup. For those with flawless skin, try only mascara and lipstick. If you have some skin problems, powder is acceptable.

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The Underwear

The Underwear Photo Credit: Kris Josef

That underwear can make or break you. Sure, not many people will get to see you in your underwear. However, they make a difference in how your clothes look. For example, you may want to select a bra that has wire in it.



Accessories Photo Credit:Idhren

Accessories can really change an outfit. They could also make you wonder what is wrong, so you don’t want to overdo it. A simple broach may be enough.



Weight Photo Credit: itsjoelle

Sure, you may have some extra weight on your body, but you should not let this bother you. Before I go any further, I do not want to be accused on this blog of making women think it is okay to be overweight, which I have heard some real rude comments in the past on this one. So, just hear what I have to say, okay? There are times when we have to be happy with what we have, because we cannot lose weight overnight. So, this is one of those times. I want you to be happy. When you are happy and have confidence, you are sexy. Many guys are attracted to these type of women. Guys are attracted to confidence. Many large women get compliments. Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We don’t just live in a “skinny girl world.” There is room enough for big girls as well. So, stop setting yourself apart from everyone else. Stop looking at yourself as if you weren’t meant to be in the clothing store and go!

Those are 8 tips on looking great this time of the year. So, do you have any tips you would like to share with me?

Top Photo Credit: sara kiesling

Feedback Junction

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I really like these points and are sure enough to keep "tabs" on them as most points are part of a woman's routine anyway. I love how point #1 is directed to being proud of your weight. It is definitely a key must for confidence. Although I have my own weight issues, I am a plus size but have been told I "wear it well." LOL Took a punch at my self-esteem on that statement but I know that it had good intentions. My point being is if you display a positive and confident attitude, then of course, men will notice. I have surprised myself SO MANY TIMES to know that being a plus size woman (I'm not overly fat either) attracts men! I've walked through entrances, walked into entrance buildings, even passer-bys, (even at Bingo) with confidence...lol...and have noticed or been told of receiving glances from men with the up-down check-me-out look. Along with these "check-outs," I have also received requests for dates. Being a very self-conscious and nervous person in general, it is very rewarding to my self-esteem to know that as a plus size woman, I can still turn heads. And of course, I'm managing my weight as healthy as I can with daily exercise.

Loved this post everything about it! And about the weight one, people are getting overweight and n=unhealthy mixed up with curvy, perfect weight, and healthy nowadays; those woman in the picture are beautiful. Forever curvy models!

Why are so many women obsessed with shaving? The whole thing started to make women look prepubescent so they could attract more men. Shaving is a hassle, and if guys don't shave I don't see why I should have to. And I don't see the point of shaving skin nobody is going to see. It's not like it's unhygienic or anything.

I Totally agree with tge weight thing. Rock on:)

Yes, always pluck your eyebrows but be careful. If you pluck too much or have it totally shaved. It will look awful. And don't get me started into to talking about tattooed eyebrows...

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