10 Fun Things to do at Home in Winter


10 Fun Things to do at Home in Winter
10 Fun Things to do at Home in Winter

With winter coming, how can a girl have some fun without stepping out into the cold streets? Well, looks like there are quite a few options, ladies!

So, if you don’t feel like running in your lace tights in 32′F you can still have a lot of fun in the comfort of your own home in winter!

Check out these 1****0 Fun Things to Do in Winter at Home ideas and see which ones will be best for you!

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Watch Romantic Movies

I don't know a single girl who does not like romantic movies. So, why not to make it a Romantic Movie Night? All you need to do is:

• Order or download a couple of great romantic movies you haven’t seen in a while or ever
• Call up your girlfriends and ask them over
• Stock on the delicious Backed Lays and my all time favorite Smart Food Popcorn Clusters (I just looove Honey Multigrain), these two snacks will make those romantic flicks so much yummier and sweeter without adding too many calories or cholesterol or trans fats…
• Get a box of napkins (for the sad scenes)

And you'll be all set for the best night in with your girlfriend!
Watch Romantic Movies Don't know which movies to pick? Check out this list of 50 Most Romantic Movies for the ultimate romantic movie night!


Look through Your Old Pictures

I know this is narcissistic, but no matter what they say, we all know every one enjoys it. Starting with your baby pictures, you can work your way up to the pictures from your elementary school, the pictures of your first crush in middle school, right to the embarrassing prom dress and to the days of the college partying...

You will be surprised at how much time this might take and how actually fun this experience is, especially if you listen to the right music while doing it - I am talking about the music of your past, of course.

I went through my old pictures a week ago while listening to the Best Romantic Songs for Winter and I loved it! Try it!

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Make a Yummy Chocolate Dessert

For this one, you might actually want to ask friends over. It's never fun to bust your butt of alone, is it? And yes, you will not feel that guilty if you are not the only one who had 3 slices of a chocolate delight past 7...

Doubting your cooking skills? No need to fear, Ladies, I am sure you will find an easy recipe you can master in this Ultimate Dessert Guide - 50 Best Chocolate Desserts!

Chocolate cheesecake, chocolate cupcakes, chocolate mouse, chocolate cakes... oh, I already feel like calling up a couple of my friends, who know how to cook... :)


Host a Cocktail Party

Host a Cocktail Party If you are 21 and you do not have a drinking problem, you might have a blast hosting a cocktail party!

With these recipes for the Most Popupar Cocktails you will easily make the most delicious drinks for you and your friends!

What I personally like about cocktails is the taste of the drink. Take it slow and you will enjoy it too!

Oh, and don't forget to eat something before you start your cocktail degustation. The more substantial meal it is, the better you will be holding your liquor.

And the last but not least, the more various cocktails you have, the more aspirin you will need in the morning, Ladies... But you probably know that. Do drink responsibly, though!


Treat Yourself to a Home Bath Spa

If you are alone at home or if the people in the house do not mind giving you some peace and privacy, you can have the best time treating yourself to a Home Bath Spa.

You will feel like a Goddess afterwards and I must warn you, this experience may become addictive too. So, if you do dare to give your body the best time - see these Tips on How to Create a Home Bath Spa, and... your life will never be the same...

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Host a Makeup Party

All you need is to call your girlfriends and ask them to take their makeup bags with them! Once everyone arrives, you can share the kits you usually use with your girlfriends and try out theirs to see how other colors and hues work on you!

You can have a little makeup contest too, creating various looks in 10 minutes - from Natural to Smoky Eye and you'll see who does what better.

Sharing is always great - maybe you will show something new to your Ladies or vice versa, you will pick up a trick or two from them...

BTW, snacks are a must for this kind of party! But that goes without saying, right?


Make a Romantic Dinner (Together)

What can be a greater way to spend a winter night at home, than having a nice home-prepared romantic dinner? If you decide to prepare the meal together, it will be even more romantic and fun. It can be something tried and simple (like pasta) or something new and exotic (if either one of you is really into cooking).

No matter what you decide on, you will have a fantastic alone time that we all need. Beautiful music, a bottle of fine wine, a beautiful dress and the candle light are the things that will make that winter night a night you both will never forget!


Make a Perfect Holiday Gift List for... Yourself

Make a Perfect Holiday Gift List for... Yourself You probably have all the presents for your family, boyfriends, girlfriends ready and well hidden in your closets.

So, it's time to give yourself a little something. And all you need to do is to make a list of P****erfect Holiday Gifts for You! When you see all the things you want actually written down on a piece of paper/ laptop screen, you will know which one you want the most.

And once you know what Perfect Gift that is, do treat yourself!

Even if it's expensive. Oh, wait, especially if it's expensive, because... you deserve it!

In fact, it will be great if you make it a monthly ritual to get yourself something fabulous you only dreamt of before. Let it be not something you need, but something you want.

A fabulous pair of shoes for $800 (I know...) or a tube of YSL lipstick you've been eyeing, or a maltese puppy, just like a girl across the street has. You have to treat the Queen in you and your Perfect Holiday Gift List will come in handy!


Improve Your Dancing Skills

Either by yourself or with your girlfriends you are likely to have a lot of fun, when learning the new fabulous moves for the night clubs. You can even put on some hot and sparkly clothes, just to create the night club mood!

There are plenty of DVDs to choose from, but my personal favorites are the DVDs called Girls' Night Out and Sexy Moves.

I always thought that I was a pretty good dancer, but that was before I came across these lessons. And I must say, thank to those DVD classes, my club dancing moves got a major makeover! Now I finally rock! Seriously. No bragging.

The moves the professional dancers will be showing are easy and fun to learn and they look so sexy when you dance in a club! I am sure you'll get a chance to practice them at all those parties you are so likely to attend this winter!


Your Idea...

No list will ever be complete without your opinion, Girls!

I am sure you have a lot of thoughts on how to turn those long cold windy days into fun. Please do share your ideas for a fun winter day at home and I'll gladly add them into the post!

This post was brought to you by Only in a Woman's World.

Photo Credit: Manimoo, Tiffany.com, Flickr.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

fiddle with ur old things. >ur self< hahahaha ballss VAGIN

Watch the notebook

Thank you for your support, Lacey :)

well i do like to play games on xbox, wii, psp and playstanton you have a go it will work please try.........

I like to chase my cats and oooh and aaaw at them as they look so precious.

OMG! we like to make our own porno!

we washed all the body paint off, and then the next day we finished it. we then sold it on ebay for $50 so we actually had fun and made money. we used the money for movie night. so it actually grew to another "thing to do in the winter". also, we spend time now looking for furniture from yard sales, and thrift stores. i didn't think a small idea we had would grew into something larger.

Buy dog or cat and spend many amazing times with your puppy, its best for stress

If you don't like the ideas, then why did you even bother to look? .... Akward =)

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