7 Fun Things to do in Chicago ...


7 Fun Things to do in Chicago ...
7 Fun Things to do in Chicago ...

Chicago is one of my favorite cities to visit. They have excellent public transportation, and there is so much to do! I’d recommend going in the late spring or early fall, since that’s when the weather is the most pleasant. I’d also recommend doing any or all of these seven fun things the next time you’re there!

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On my last trip to Chicago, I asked everyone I know where I could get the best slice of pizza, and every single person said the same thing: Giordano’s. We waited in the bar for about an hour and fifteen minutes before our table for two was ready, but it was worth it — the spinach pizza was by far the best I’d ever had. Is there a better comfort food than pizza? I think not!


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6 million visitors each year can’t be wrong — and that’s how many people visit Navy Pier annually. The Pier juts out into Lake Michigan, offering scenic views and an entire boardwalk’s worth of shopping and dining. During the summer, there’s live music, and in the winter, they offer an outdoor ice skating rink. It could actually make for a prettyromantic date!


Downtown Chicago, in particular the Magnificent Mile, has some of the best shopping, too, from tiny designer boutiques to vintage stores to huge mega-stores, like a multi-level Nike store and the biggest H&M I’ve ever seen. They also have a Marc Jacobs store, which is more than enough reason for me to shop in Chicago!


Do you dig dinosaurs, or desiregorgeous diamonds? Then you absolutely must visit the Field Museum! They feature Sue, the world’s most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex, which will make kids of all ages stop dead in their tracks and stare up, up, up at her massive teeth. Yikes! But the Field Museum also has gorgeous exhibits of classic jewelryand other artifacts from years past. Something for everyone, really!

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I’ve always been fascinated with sea life, so I make it a point to visit the Shedd Aquarium every time I visit Chicago. There’s a huge circular tank in the middle of the main room with fish and sea life in all colors, shapes, and sizes. You really could just stand there, transfixed, for an entire afternoon…


The Art Institute of Chicago boasts some of the finest works of art, in every discipline you can imagine. Whether you love pottery, painting, sculpture, photography, you’ll be delighted. I adore their “adopt a dot” program, based on Georges Seurat’s “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte.” Choose one of six colors for your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day!


I’ve strolled past the Chicago Tribune building dozens of times, but this last time, something caught my eye. Stuck into the sides of the building are artifacts from significant structures from across time and across the globe, including the Taj Mahal from India, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, the Alamo, and even a chunk of steel recovered from the site of the World Trade Center. I spent two hours walking around the 40-story building, entranced. You will too. It sounds crazy, but it’s incredibly fascinating…

A three-day weekend in Chicago may not be enough time to get all of this done, and I know there were a lot of things that didn’t even make my list! What places in Chicago do you make it a point to visit? Where do you love to shop, eat, or relax? Please let me know… thanks!

Top Photo Credit: Dave Tamburo

Feedback Junction

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hi Jimena your idea is amazing hope u have fun

Hey, Awesome post! Since Im planning a 2 week trip to Chicago in june, this was perfect timing to me :D any other ideas of what else I could do?

Chicago Pizza + Shopping = AMAZING

Your travel posts are great, especially the travel web sites one

& if you're a sports fan, go watch the games!!

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