7 Relationship Red Flags to Look out for ...


7 Relationship Red Flags to Look out for ...
7 Relationship Red Flags to Look out for ...

We're all guilty of it — we get into a relationship and even though we can see that some things are going wrong, we ignore the problems because we're just happy to be with someone. But there are some red flags that should never be ignored no matter how much you like or love the person you're with. So let's take a second to think and open our eyes and read the following list of red flags that should always make you think twice.

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Lack of Communication

Communication is the cornerstone for all successful relationships and if you can't speak to the person you're with whether it's about small things like a missed date or something big like a problem in your relationship, then you have bigger problems than you thought. You should never be afraid to open up to the person that you're sharing your life with. And your partner should never make you feel stupid for voicing your opinion onthe issues you're having.


Physical or Emotional Withdrawal

Have you noticed a pull back from physical contact? Does it seem like your partner is disinterested in improving your dwindling sex life? Has your partner stopped holding your hand when you reach for it? Have your long talks just sort of stopped for what seems to be no reason? This is a major flashing neon sign. If your partner is pulling away from you, this could mean that they see an end a whole lot sooner than you do and they're trying to separate themselves. If you notice this happening you should have a serious talk with your loved one.


New Circle of Friends

Your partner is suddenly hanging out with a lot of new people and they claim that these people mean a lot to them. But you've never met them and you've never heard of them before this point. If your significant other is running with a new crowd that you don't get to see even though they claim that they're amazing friends then your partner is hiding something from you. Either it's the activities that this new group of friends participates in or they know something that your partner doesn't want you to. Either way, you need an introduction or a serious talk with the person you're with.


Sudden Changes in Interests

Your partner who has never expressed any interest in country music is suddenly stuck to your local country station. They're riding bikes when they've never even owned one. This is a red flag at half mast. Having new interests isn't a bad thing. But when they come out of the blue, this could be a sign of something more serious. Like your partner molding themselves to what someone else likes. So keep a look out for other strange behaviors to see if this red flag is going to be one of many.


Avoiding Talking about the Future

You've been with your significant other for a significant period of time and yet, things seem to be standing still. This is about the time to sit down and have a talk about what you both want from the relationship. If you can't seem to get the person you're with to sit down and talk to you about the future and where your relationship is heading then it's heading straight for a brick wall with a big red flag over it. If you can't talk about your future with the person you're with, they don't see you in it.


Your Friends and Family Don't like Them

Your friends and family know you better than you know yourself most times. And believe it or not when they tell you that the person you are with isn't the one for you it's not because they're jealous of what you have or don't want you to be happy. Most of the time they see something that you don't and have higher expectations about the person that you're with than you do. Don't write off everything they say. If the ones you love can't get behind the person you're with, you probably shouldn't be with them anymore.



This is a really big red flag that I've seen get ignored a few too many times. If your partner wants to be with you then they won't let anything stop them from seeing you. Don't let them ditch you and feed you lies. Being stood up is serious and if they're really into you they'll find a way to warn you that they won't be showing up before you get there and have to wait around. If they don't, they're not worth the time that you've wasted.

Well ladies I've given you my list of relationship red flags, hopefully none of you have to worry about any of them. But if you do, just remember, there's a new person right around the corner that's going to treat you the way that you should be treated, no questions or red flags necessary. Don't let anyone make you feel like you're not worth everything because each and every one of you are!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Nice article - the red flags are dead-on.

when you just don't seem to care anymore. huge red flag.

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