7 Magazine Articles You Have to Read ...


7 Magazine Articles You Have to Read ...
7 Magazine Articles You Have to Read ...

Magazine articles can be great things, a goldmine of information and usually very relevant, too. It can be easy to lose track of them, though.Do you ever wonder if you missed anything good in the magazines you don’t buy? Well, to stop us all from spending a fortune on every magazine available, I’ve been surveying my friends on their must-read articles, and here are the winners...

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Four Traits Men Find Irresistable This article is good for generating confidence when you are feeling low, and reminding us that men like different things, and you don't have to look like Miranda Kerr or Angelina Jolie to attract Mr. Right. It’s just great! It's become the mantra of my single friends, who have stuck it to their walls and read it occasionally to remind them that they are great, and they’ll find a man who realizes that too.


How to Tell when to Unfriend Someone Once a month, on average, my boyfriend goes through his Facebook and deletes anyone he doesn’t talk too, or doesn’t really like. Not in a petty way, but if they aren’t talking, he doesn’t need them there. It’s the same in his social life... it’s regularly updated and spring cleaned, so he knows he can rely on who he has, and there are no time-wasters and no frenemies. This article is great for showing that this is important for women, too, and encourages you to ditch anyone who shows these signs. Priceless.


the Secret to Getting What You Want from Life I LOVE this article. In fact, I’ve ripped it out, made it pretty and stuck it in my diary. It’s the perfect read before planning new goals, and it’s so motivating... it really makes me feel like I can achieve anything. I even bought a few extra editions of the magazine, and framed it for a few of my friends. They love it!


10 Things to do Instead of Dieting Who has the time to diet properly? Not me and I don’t like fad diets, either. So I was thrilled to read this article on how to look and feel skinny, without dropping the pounds... It made me feel so much more positive, and combined with moderately healthy eating, it’s really working for me. This really is unbeatable advice!


Learn to Love: How to Live Happily Ever after

Learn to Love: How to Live Happily Ever after This is a brilliant article, and it really helped a friend of mine learn to trust what she felt and after reading it with a group of friends recently, it’s become our love guide. Sometimes, you just need to read that what you have is worth trusting and believing in, and this article is the perfect uplift. I promise it'll make you feel happy and worry-free!


Spring 2010 Fashion Ultimate Guide

Spring 2010 Fashion Ultimate Guide This guide has been a life saver when deciding what to buy this year, and what to miss out. It has pieces for all the huge spring trends, for every budget and for every style, and it’s so accessible and easy to use, too! Need a new look fast? This is the perfect place to find one. Want a new outfit with what you’ve already got? You are sure to find one here!


Spring Beauty Trends

Spring Beauty Trends Sometimes the models on runways look amazing even in the quirkiest make up and I'm always tempted to give it a go when I’m out. Some of the looks just aren’t suitable for everyday life, though, and this guide is perfect for clearing out those from the looks you can make your own. It’s got great beauty product recommendations, too!

Some articles are just unmissable, and with these ones at hand, you’ll be ready for anything. I’ve cut out my favourites, and bookmarked all of them! Have you read an article that’s changed your life, or just made you feel great? Please let me know!

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