5 Books for a Wide Reader ...


5 Books for a Wide Reader ...
5 Books for a Wide Reader ...

This is a fun activity book for you and your kids to enjoy. From recipes to learning about the sights and sounds of New York, this is a great book to have in your home.

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This is a photo book brought to us by the ever-scary/influential Karl Lagerfeld. You get photos of naked, beautiful men. What could be better?


This is a dating advice book by none other than Jennifer-Love Hewitt. Some interesting tips from her: “Take a bath every night with a tiara on. It really does make you feel like a queen!” “Before a date, vagazzle ‘it’! (Not for him, for you!)”


This is one of my favorite books. The writing is beautiful and the setting is absolutely magical. I may just read this again before this month ends.


Much like the Karl Lagerfeld book, this one is another beautiful addition to your collection of pretty coffee table books. Now if only I can find a copy in my city.
Top Image by **Gibson Claire McGuire Regester**

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Would you believe me always saying I love books , and never have read Memories of a Geisha! Thnaks for reminding me Meream, I'll check my library or else ubdate my book shelve at home!

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