9 Non-Fiction Books to Read This Summer ...


Summer’s here, time for sitting in the shade with a tall glass of lemonade and a good book! I’m a fan of non-fiction, especially biographies, and if you are too, I have a few suggestions for summer reading! Here’s my list of 9 non-fictions books to read this summer…

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“to See Every Bird on Earth” by Dan Koeppel

“to See Every Bird on Earth” by Dan Koeppel Price: $11.90 at amazon.com
I just read this book, and expected it to be a dry, scientific tale about bird-watching. I was so wrong! It’s a touching, interesting story about a father’s lifelong fascination with birds, and his son’s coming to terms with that. It has just the right amount of science and technology, but I loved it!


“the Lady and the Panda” by Vicki Constantine Croke

“the Lady and the Panda” by Vicki Constantine Croke Price: $11.21 at amazon.com
Looking for an old-fashioned adventure story where the main character is a spunky woman? Then read this! It’s about an American woman, widowed young, who spent her fortune in pursuit of the Great Panda… and it’s all true!


“into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer

“into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer Price: $7.99 at amazon.com
If you’ve ever wondered why anyone would want to subject themselves to the danger and pain of mountain climbing, give this a read. It tells the story of the disaster on Mount Everest in May of 1997, from the unique perspective of someone who was there. This is one of my all-time favorites!


“Candy Girl” by Diablo Cody

“Candy Girl” by Diablo Cody Price: $10.20 at amazon.com
This book is so raunchy, but so much fun! Imagine this: you’re a cubicle slave during the day, but a stripper at night, clumsy, unsure, and pasty-white. For one year, you’re living both lives, with hilarious results. Perfect for reading at the beach!


“Me Talk Pretty One Day” by David Sedaris

“Me Talk Pretty One Day” by David Sedaris Price: $10.19 at amazon.com
I love David Sedaris for his wit and intelligence and honesty, and this book is my favorite collection of his essays. He talks about everything, from his family to his friends to his dreams. His very WEIRD dreams. HILARIOUS!


“Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” by Barbara Kingsolver

“Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” by Barbara Kingsolver Price: $8.30 at amazon.com
For one year, Kingsolver and her family ate only what they could grow themselves, or buy from neighboring farms. Each month of that year has its own chapter, and it’s completely fascinating. It includes recipes, too, which is nice, and essays from her older daughter and her scientist husband.


“the Green Book” by Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigan

“the Green Book” by Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigan Price: $10.04 at amazon.com
Looking to be a little more eco-friendly, a little more green? Flip through this little book and you’ll find tips for living greener at home, work, school, and more. It has tips from scientists and celebrities (apparently, Jennifer Aniston takes two-minute showers!)…


“Listening is an Act of Love” by Dave Isay

“Listening is an Act of Love” by Dave Isay Price: $10.20 at amazon.com
One of my favorite spots on NPR is the Story Corps, and this book has some of the best stories, from funny to touching to sad to sweet. I love the story BEHIND the Story Corps, and the stories they’ve collected are wonderful…


“Galileo’s Daughter” by Dava Sobel

“Galileo’s Daughter” by Dava Sobel Price: $11.56 at amazon.com
If you’re interested in science and religion, you might have wondered how Galileo was able to reconcile what he knew to be scientifically sound with that his religion taught him. This book explains it all, through letters from his oldest daughter, a nun. This book was so interesting!

If you read one of these each week, you’ll have something great to get into all summer long! Have you read any of these? What did you think? Or do you have another great non-fiction book to suggest for summer reading? Please let me know… I need a new book!

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