Top 10 Books You Should Read This Summer ...


Top 10 Books You Should Read This Summer ...
Top 10 Books You Should Read This Summer ...

I do not know about you, but I like to read. I know, what a dork, right? Yeah, I also like video games and computers, but I assure you that I do not look like you would expect a dork to look. Okay, so below, I am going to give you the top 10 books you should read this summer!

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The Host by Stephanie Meyer

The Host by Stephanie Meyer Photo Credit: J.DoyonPhotography

This is a definite SF thriller where planet hopping parasites are inserting their silvery centipede selves into the human brains, eliminating war, curing cancer and turning the Earth into paradise. Some people want Earth back, bad things and all. So, what happens in this book? You just have to read it to see!


Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen

Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen Photo Credit: Miller Info Commons

This is an autobiographical book. It not only reveals the state of what is known as borderline personality disorder, but it also reveals the double standards of mental illness diagnoses. I think that this would definitely be a book you would want to read.


It by Stephen King

It by Stephen King Photo Credit: lostfate13

Yes, it’s a scary clown! I have saw this movie so many times, but for you that have not saw the movie, you may want to try reading the book. I guarantee, once you read this book, you are not going to think the same about clowns! They’re evil I tell you!


Cesar's Way: the Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding and Correcting Common Dog Problems by Cesar Milan

Cesar's Way: the Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding and Correcting Common Dog Problems by Cesar Milan Photo Credit: ilovegnu

I know, many of you may not be into dogs, especially Pit Bulls, like I am, but I could not turn this book down. Cesar Milan has come a long way and you will see that if you read this book.


Thirst (Book 1) by: Christopher Pike

Thirst (Book 1) by: Christopher Pike Photo Credit: tinybubble photos ☆ down w/ flu, again!! ☆

I am a big fan of Christopher Pike, so it goes without saying that I have read this book. In this book, Alisa Perne is the last vampire. For five thousand years, she has been dwelling amongst the living humans, living off of humans. She hunts alone. She thinks that no one knows her secret, but there is someone that is stalking her. Someone wants her to die and she has to make a choice. To keep her long held promise or to protect the mortal she seems to be falling in love with.


Thirst No. 2: Phantom, Evil Thirst, Creatures of Forever by Christopher Pike

Thirst No. 2: Phantom, Evil Thirst, Creatures of Forever by Christopher Pike Photo Credit: Valentinian

After you read Thirst book 1, you need to read the second part of it. She has desired something for five hundred years and it has finally come true. I cannot tell you what that “desire” is, because I do not want to give the story away.


Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer Photo Credit: netmen!

This is the first book. This is where the craze all takes place. Bella Swan moves from Phoenix, Arizona to live with her father that is in Forks, Washington. She develops an obsession with the handsome boy in town, Edward Cullen. She learns that she is a member of a vampire family who drinks animal blood and not human blood. Eventually, they fall in love…there’s more to it, you just have to read it!


New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

New Moon by Stephanie Meyer Photo Credit: iheartkitty

This is the second book to the Twilight series. Edward and his family leave Forks because he believes that he is putting Bella’s life on the line. Bella falls into a deep depression, until she develops a strong friendship with Jacob Black. Oh, but Jacob has some mysteries in his own closet!


Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer Photo Credit: ♥ Vane Ferreira

Bella is compelled to choose between her relationship with Jake or with Edward. Which one is she going to choose? I can’t really tell you much more, because I do not want to ruin it for you.

The vampire Victoria (James' mate from Twilight) has created an army of "newborn" vampires to battle the Cullen family and murder Bella for revenge. Meanwhile, Bella is compelled to choose between her relationship with Edward and her friendship with Jacob. Edward's vampire family and Jacob's werewolf pack join forces to successfully destroy Victoria and her vampire army. In the end, Bella chooses Edward's love over Jacob's and agrees to marry him.


Beaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

Beaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer Photo Credit: ßlurry

Bella and Edward are together. In fact, they are more than together! There little vacation is cut short when Bella discovers a “secret.” As the problem starts to rapidly progress, Bella becomes weak. She almost dies in the process. There you go, that’s all I can say!

Of course, if you know me, you can guess which my favorite books are! Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn are my favorite! Yes, I love vampires…not really on the werewolves side (hint, hint). So, which books do you like?

Top Photo Credit: christa.mary

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I just saw Eclipse and I cant wait to start reading the books! I wish I would have read them before the movies...but now I def want to read the books! Eat, Pray, Love is another great book for this list by Elizabeth Gilbert that is coming out in the movies staring Julia Roberts as Gilbert!

I sort of wish half the list wasn't one author. I like the Anita Blake series, but only the first four or five or so. After that, it just turns into plotless dribble.

Ummm....Twilight? New Moon? Eclipse? Breaking Dawn? I thought this was a list of GOOD books, not books about gay vampires who sparkle and a girl with no personality whatsoever. Why is Harry Potter not here? J.K. Rowling is an amazing author, and, unlike Stephenie Meyer, can actually WRITE.

you know what you should absolutely read? Avalon High by Meg Cabot. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G<3

While we're on the subject of vampires, I'm reading the Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine right now. It's about a town that is run by vampires. You should check it out.

You have to add The Book Thief to the list of must reads. It was the best book I read this year. Hope you had a great 4th! Enjoy what's left of the long holiday weekend. Cheers!

enough with the vampires, put books on this list that can be more universally liked.

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