10 Best Books for a Winter Read ...


10 Best Books for a Winter Read ...
10 Best Books for a Winter Read ...

Winterā€™s around the corner and snuggling up in front of the fireplace seems like a great idea! Enjoy your cozy corner with a great book to read. Hereā€™s a primer on the best books this winter.

1. Chicken soup for the Coupleā€™s Soul
In love. Thatā€™s how this book will make you feel! Rekindle the romance as you discover the trials and tribulations of countless other couples in this book.

2. Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia
From one woman to another. Traveling across three culturally diverse countries with one singular aim of self discovery - Elizabeth Gilbert brings in laughter, sadness and a resounding truth in this book.

3. Rescuing Sprite: A Dog Lover's Story of Joy and Anguish
A heartwarming tale of how a dog (Sprite) changes the lives of a typical American family. The immense attachment of Sprite, his deteriorating health and his eventual death are beautifully described in this book by Mark Levin.

4. Love in the time of Cholera (MTI)
Artistic beauty exists even in marital love. Thatā€™s what this book beautifully brings to the fore. Itā€™s the story of a doctor and his young wife and how she was secretly admired by her husbandā€™s chess partner. Thatā€™s the plot of the book. Entirely wooed by the letters written to her by the chess partner, the book highlights aspects of marital life beautifully.
5. You: On A Diet: The Owner's Manual for Waist Management
Winter is for binging sessions! But who says you canā€™t keep off those extra pounds? Knowing your body fat storing functions can help you avoid that weight. Be trim and slim even after winter!

6. The daring book for girls
Inviting all girls for some adventure! Filled with pretty tricks such as knowing what boys think or perfecting note passing skills - the book has it all!
7. Stone Cold
From secret service agents, to con artists to casino owners - this book is nothing short of a suspense thriller. With plenty of twists and turns this book is all about nail biting suspense!

8. Become a Better You
New Year resolutions neednā€™t wait till next year! Make a vow to improve yourself with this amazing book by Joel Osteen.
9. The Secret**
Negative thoughts can cause terminal illness! Touted as a life changing book, it might just change the way you look at things!

**10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Canā€™t get enough of Harry Potter? One of the most hyped books, with a fitting conclusion - make sure to read it!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I have the Chicken Soup collection and theyre all inspirational. I love Harry Potter too.

I love Harry Potter series. Brings back the child in every person.

I love Harry Potter series. Brings back the youth in every person.

Yeah, nothing beats Chicken Soup series. They motivate me and help me have a positive outlook in life.

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