10 Best Books to Flip through in Barnes and Noble ...


10 Best Books to Flip through in Barnes and Noble ...
10 Best Books to Flip through in Barnes and Noble ...

Reading is the perfect way to escape from the day for a while, whether you’re relaxing in the bath or tucked up in bed. Here’s the top 10 Barnes and Nobles books that are definitely worth a look!

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Obama: the Historic Front Pages ...

By David Elliot Cohen, Mark Greenberg, Howard Dodson
Obama: the Historic Front Pages ... It's a new book, detailing the journey President Obama made to get to where he is now, and the impact he has had, and will have, on America and the rest of the World. Very informative but also a really good read, this is very relevant to now and will give you an in depth opinion on America’s new favourite president.

Price: $16.47 at Amazon.com


Twilight: the Saga ...

By Stephenie Meyer
Twilight: the Saga ... It's the hottest collections around at the moment, and the first book has even been made into a blockbuster! Telling the story of a young girl who falls in love with a vampire, and all the events that this leads too, the famous books have fast become firm favourites and will keep you hooked for hours.

Price: $45.65 at Amazon.com


The Associate ...

**By John Grisham
The Associate ... **
It's a very hot legal drama, telling the story of a young law graduate. When he takes a job with the top legal agency, he doesn’t expect to be blackmailed about some Uni antics. He’s plunged into a fast, angry and dangerous world in a gripping read that you’ll consume in one reading.

Price: $17.80 at Amazon.com


The Gamble ...

By Thomas E. Ricks
The Gamble ... This is the follow up to best seller Fiasco, written about the wars in Iraq. Featuring hours of interviews, on the ground reports and political opinions, this is a breathtaking and fresh look at a war that has caused so much controversy. It’s written in an easy to read style, and is one of the hottest books of the year.

Price: $15.93 at Amazon.com


I Can Make You Thin!

By Paul McKenna
I Can Make You Thin! When Paul Mckenna released this book, women everywhere were relieved. This new and improved version comes with a CD, and is very worth the price tag. 3 million people have used this technique, so its hit all of the best selling list. Check it out!

Price: $14.73 at Amazon.com


Handle with Care ...

**By Jodi Picoult
Jodi Picoults new book, Handle with Care, is just as brilliant as the rest of her series. The book revolves around a girl, Willow, and her parents, as they battle with her autism. After she takes a turn for the worst, her parents must weigh up the incredible love they feel with her quality of life. A tearjerker that will hook you cover to cover.

Price: $17.80 at Amazon.com


What Would Google do?

By Jeff Jarvis
What Would Google do? This is a self help book with a difference. Jeff Jarvis picks apart the theory of google to create 40 rules to live by, and in the process explores what made the search engine work so flawlessly, and if that can be applied to our everyday lives. A fascinating read.

Price: $17.81 at Amazon.com


Bones of Betrayal ...

By Bones of Betrayal
For the best horror book, check out Bones of Betrayal. Set on the site of a WW2 bomb, the story starts with a body that appears to have a drowned in a swimming pool. The writing is dark and addictive, and the story is a breath of fresh air compared to most of the horror stories around at the moment.

Price: $16.49 at Amazon.com


The Mighty Queens of Freeville ...

By Amy Dickinson
This is the story of a mother, Amy, and daughter, and the community that helped them both to grow up after Amy’s husband left. Funny in some bits and heart breaking in others, this deserves a place on every bookshelf.

Price: $15.63 at Amazon.com


Three Weeks to Say Goodbye ...

By C.J. Box
This book follows the story of a couple who have spent years trying for a baby, and finally get to adopt a gorgeous baby daughter. Their dreams fall to pieces, however, when then the baby’s teenage father gets in touch and says he wants her back. To make matters worse, the teenagers father is a judge, who is willing to do anything to get his son’s baby back. Watching how far they will go to protect their daughter is chilling, and the book is amazing.

Price: $16.47 at Amazon.com

So grab a book, curl up warm and relax with one of the most talked about books of the year. Read a book that you’ve loved recently? Please share it with me!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

These sound like interesting books...thank you for the review on all of them. If you want a book to help you search who you are and search your soul read "Eat, Pray, Love." by Elizabeth Gilbert.

These are GREAT suggestions. A few other great books I would recommend...Outliers, The Power of Now, PostSecret, and How To Be Happy, Dammit. I am lovin' all of those right now. Thanks for the great suggestions!

Great suggestions! I'm always on the lookout for books to read even if I have a large pile growing on my bedside table.

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