9 Best Home Made anti Acne Masks ...


9 Best Home Made anti Acne Masks ...
9 Best Home Made anti Acne Masks ...

Acne can be frustrating to say the least. Despite all of the products on store shelves, there are many individuals out there that have turned to making their own maskslike me. I prefer churning out my own home made goodies mostly because I'm not sure what store products contain. It just feels safer and more natural this way. Plus, I am a big believer in if you cannot pronounce the ingredient in it, then it's best not to use it. So here are the 10 best home made anti acne masks that I have personally used…

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Heavy Cream Easy to Use Facial Mask

The ingredients in this mask consist of heavy cream (1 tablespoon), honey (1 tablespoon) and baking soda (1 gram). This is the fastest mask to prepare and it gets rid of acne just as fast!


Best Face Mask for 30's

Fractionated coconut oil (2 tablespoons), 1 Egg Yolk, Honey (1 tablespoon), Yogurt (1 tablespoon) and Sugar (1 teaspoon). Mix all of these ingredients and process them in a blender. Apply to the skin and let it sit there for twenty five minutes, then rinse it off with warm water followed by a splash of cold water.


Best Face Wash for 40’s

This one is great for someone like your mom (assuming you are young and reading this). One way to slow skin ageing is to take care of it. This mask consists of peas (2 tablespoons), Evening Primrose Oil (1 tablespoon), Yogurt (1 tablespoon), Grape Seed Extract (1 tablespoon) and carrot juice (1/2 Cup). Mix all of the ingredients in a blender and smooth it on the face leaving it there for thirty minutes.


To Refresh Your Skin ...

The ingredients include ¼ apple, ½ peach, ½ tomato, ¼ milk and 1 tablespoon of Almond oil. Peel all of the fruits and mash them up. Add the milk and oil into the mashed fruits and use moderate heat as you stir it. Do this until the mixture turns into a cream. When it cools, apply a thick layer to your skin and leave it there for thirty minutes. This mask will refresh your skin and keep pimples at bay no matter what type of acneyou have!


Oatmeal Face Mask

Oatmeal is not just an awesomebreakfast food, it is also great for the skin because it helps cleanse and exfoliate. It also helps unclog pores. Mix with honey and scrub it on your face to get rid of dirt, blackheads and acne.


Pumpkin Facial

Pumpkin is excellent for your face because it is rich in Vitamins C and E. It is also rich in mineral zinc. When you use it in facial masks, it is going to help tone and moisturise the skin. No more dryness!


Baking Soda Facial

This is one of the most popular ingredients you will find in homemade acne masks. It really treats acne because it helps get rid of the oil and prevents pimples. It also works as a natural exfoliant.


Citrus Fruit Facials

Citrus fruits, such as grapefruits, oranges, lemons and limes will do wonders for the skin. They have natural antiseptic properties, so they get rid of germs which is one reason why you can't seem to get rid of acne and they will also help to reduce oil. Choose the citrus of your choice and mix it with wheat flour in order to make a paste. Leave it on your face for twenty minutes, then rinse.


Aspirin Mask

This one has worked on some people out there, so I figured it is worth the try. It consists of 5-6 uncoated aspirin, lime juice, 1 drop of honey and 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Trust me, this one is better than the best acne products out there.

There are many homemade anti-acne face masks that you can try out. Why would you want to buy one from store shelves, when you can make them yourself and KNOW just what is in it? How many of you out there make your own masks? Share the recipes with us!

Photo Credit: flickr.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Oooh.. these sound interesting! Too bad I don't own some of the ingredients :\ I'd like to try the Baking Soda one but what exactly do you use? The Aspirin Mask works WONDERS! But I just use 2-3 tablets and some honey. However be sure that you don't use the same mask every single time or else your skin may become resistant to it! Whenever my skin gets dry, I use an Egg Yolk mask or I use a EVOO Sugar Honey scrub for my face or body. In the summer I'm planning to try a coffee scrub and use Egg Whites for my oily skin :).

the oatmeal mask sounds great (oatmeal baths were a big part of my chicken pox recovery back in the day) and I like how that pumpkin mask is intriguing...I never heard of a pumpkin mask but it's well worth a shot!

For the oat meal mask do I mix the oat mean with huny or that's it and do I scrub it on my face & how long would I leave it on for?

I have just tried the oatmeal honey mask, I am in my mid 40's and have never had my face feel so soft. I have used the store bought cucumber mask and it seems every time I used it it gave me acne within a matter of days. We will see what happens with the oatmeal. Will also give it to my 28 year old daughter and see what she thinks. Thanks!

what i sometimes do is save my teabags and keep them in the refridgerator...then i rub them before i go to bed or as soon as i wake up. It cleans my face and keeps it refreshing! another one that i do is just use plain egg thats been beat and then just apply it to my face until it becomes dry. I also take lemon or orange and cut it in half and rub it on my face and elbows where i have really dry, scaly skin, esp. in the winter. It's excellent for getting rid of the dry, dead skin. It contains high amounts of acid so it's great for cleansing dead skin. (:

Thanks for all the wonderful ideas! I can't wait to try them out!

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