10 Best Ways to Get Rid of Acne Fast ...


10 Best Ways to Get Rid of Acne Fast ...
10 Best Ways to Get Rid of Acne Fast ...

I hate waking up in the morning and seeing a new pimple in the mirror. The best way to get rid of acne is to not get it in the first place, but once you have it, here are the best ways I’ve found to get rid of it, fast!

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Wash with Warm Water

You don’t need harsh chemical washes to keep your skin clear, or to clear up your acne really fast. The best thing to use is warm water on a clean washcloth.


Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine will irritate your skin, and also flush much-needed water out of our system before it does its work!


Drink Plenty of Water

Healthy skin is hydrated skin. Drink your recommended 64 ounces of water each day to quickly clear up acne, and prevent it from coming back!


Use a Moisturizer with Salicylic Acid

There are several moisturizers on the market that contain salicylic acid (otherwise known as aspirin). This chemical will clear up the acne you have now, and keep it from coming back! My favorite moisturizer with salicylic acid is Clean and Clear Dual-Action Moisturizer. Try it!


Don’t over-dry

Harsh chemicals, like benzoyl peroxide, may over-dry your skin, making it irritated and actually MORE prone to acne! So just wash with warm water and apply an oil-free moisturizer to help cure, and soothe, your skin.


Don’t Stress

Stress is exactly what causes me to break out. When I feel stressed, I do yoga. If I let the stress get to me, then I get the worst break-outs EVER.


Don’t Cover It up!

You may be tempted to use concealer to hide your acne, but that’s not going to get rid of it! Your skin needs to breathe to heal, so stay away from the foundation and concealer until it heals.


Keep Your Hair Pulled Back

The oils from our hair may also irritate our skin, and make it easier for acne to happen. While your skin is healing, keep your hair pulled back off your face.


Keep Hands off Your Face

The dirt and oils from our hands are another way acne can start or take longer to heal. Another no-no — squeezing pimples. This just causes the oil from the ruptured acne to spread, making new blemishes. Ick!


Use an on-the Spot Treatment

There are some great new on-the-spot treatments for acne that work wonderfully! My favorite is Neutrogena On-the-Spot Acne Treatment. You apply it directly onto the individual acne spots themselves, delivering a blast of healing there only. I love using this before bed, because by the time you wake up, the acne is gone!

Once you’ve gotten rid of the little break-out, keep it from coming back! If it does come back, then pull up this list again to get rid of it again, fast! What are your secrets for getting rid of acne? How do you make it heal up fast? Please let me know! Thanks!

Photo Credit: flickr.com

Feedback Junction

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I've tried :-( nothing works!!

hheeyyy, kkay so, I'm 12 years old. I get bad acne pretty much all over my face, and hate it. Im using Clean and Clear right now, its a three in one facial cleanser. Its oil free. But i just recently noticed they make your face pretty dry, but work really well. I would like to know what facial cleansers i can use that dont make my face dry? My mom has told me about Proactiv but told me before it starts working you break out. So no thanks. - please help mmee! :)

Try toothpaste

i tried #1 but it gave me more so i tried it with cold water and it works

Hi, I'm 13 and I have pretty bad acne on my forehead, I used alot acne products, over 200$ worth, and it's not working, I always get made fun of by some kids on the street, and my own BROTHER, and I want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Hello my name is Rebecca and that is a pretty good idea but why just warm water why can't we use soap to that is my question i mean people use proactiv and it works and it's a chemical why does it work and they get less pimples instead of more pimples can you answer that for me.

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