7 Easy Ways to Take Your Vitamins ...


7 Easy Ways to Take Your Vitamins ...
7 Easy Ways to Take Your Vitamins ...

Most women today don’t get the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals through diet alone. Supplements are essential in making sure your receive adequate nutrition. After a little study on diet and nutrition from a few experts, I put together a smattering of easy vitamin cures! A spoonful of sugar may help the medicine go down, but here a couple of easy ways to help the vitamins go down- in the most delightful way!

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Buy Capsules Rather than Tablets

Buy Capsules Rather than Tablets Photo Credit: nickwheeleroz

Tablets may be less expensive, but capsules are much easier to swallow. An added benefit of capsules is they are not as harsh on your stomach and therefore may be able to curb the upset tummy, which occurs for some people.


Don’t Take with Caffeine

Don’t Take with Caffeine Photo Credit: s. hardican

Caffeine speeds the digestion track into fast gear. This may cause some vitamins to move through too quickly and the body may not have enough time to absorb them. If you are drinking Coke, or coffee, wait about 20 minutes before you take your supplements


Try Fortified Cereal Bars and Drinks

Try Fortified Cereal Bars and Drinks Photo Credit: graciepoo

If you simply cannot swallow pills, or just do not like taking them, you can snack on cereal bars, health bars, and drinks. Be sure you keep track of how much you eat or drink because it is possible to “overdose” on vitamins. This can cause health problems, such as kidney stones.


Chewable Vitamins Are a Great Choice

Chewable Vitamins Are a Great Choice Photo Credit: bettybl

Today, there are chewable adult versions of vitamins. Try chocolate flavored, Gummies, and Jelly Beans. A word of caution here: Since they taste like candy, you may be tempted to snack on these. The same rule applies as cereal bars. You can overdose on these, not to mention taking on more calories than you need.


Powdered Formulas

Powdered Formulas Photo Credit: gregg_koenig

Vitamin Ccomes in a powder you can stir into juice, even slushes or smoothies. There are also protein powders you can add to milk shakes. These are almost tasteless and can add a healthy oomph! To your diet almost effortlessly!


Store Your Vitamins Right

Store Your Vitamins Right Photo Credit: Patricia Marie Photography

Heat and humidity can adversely affect vitamins. Both can break down and deteriorate water-soluble vitamins. Try storing away from the kitchen or bathroom to preserve a longer shelf life.


Swallow Them Easier

Swallow Them Easier Photo Credit: Amy-Marie

When you tilt your head back and swallow a pill, you are more likely to end up with the pill stuck in your throat. Next time, keep your head straight, as if you were swallowing food. You don’t throw your head back with every bite at dinner, do you?

Did any of these tips stand out to you? Let me know if you have a great tip!

Top Photo Credit: SOCIALisBETTER

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