5 Best Emergency Remedies for Pimples ...


Everyone has felt that utter horror when you notice that you've got a pimple, and it's always the day before an interview, a date, a photograph...I've searched the books and the internet to find cures, and here's my top five best emergency remedies for pimples!

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Dot a very small amount of toothpaste onto the pimple before bed, and when you wake up it should have drastically reduced in size. Moisturize your skin, and then apply make up as normal, including concealer if necessary!



Dab a small amount of honey on the pimple as soon as the head becomes visible. Wrap a bandage around it, and go to sleep. When you wake up, it'll be gone! Again, moisturize afterwards!!


Eye Drops!

Refreshing eye drops, especially Visine, will reduce the redness and swelling of the pimple, which is perfect if you are already out and have a real emergency! Then cover in concealer if necessary.



Use a very small amount, as it could sting otherwise. If you have sensitive skin, boil water in a pan and add vinegar. Boil, take off the heat and put your face over the pan.



Cook oatmeal, and apply to the face. Wait until its cool enough, first! Leave for around fifteen minutes and then wash off, the swelling and redness should be gone and the zip visibly reduced!

So as long as you follow the instructions, your pimple nightmare should turn into a dream! Be careful applying make up over a pimple, as it can make it worse, and make sure you moisturize skin afterwards, as drying it out can cause more spots.

Do you know another emergency remedy for a pimple? Please share it with me!

Photo Credit: flickr.com

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hey guys...i wanna share one more remedy for acne with u!! & it really works..infact it gives a really smooth look to ur skin.. my Mom told me to do this when i was fed up with my acne problm..& it really worked!! it was CUCUMBER, yes! the paste of cucumber with 2-3 sppons of lemon juice...i applied it daily on my face for 2-3 weeks..and no doubt it gave my skin a younger, healthy n smooth look..!! jux try it out!! =)

Xannyyy, you are a sweetheart...and all the rest of you as well...you all sound so sweet and helpful. I love reading all your posts. If I didn't have to work, I would be such a cyberspace junkie.....lol Between reading your posts, and posting my own stuff, I really spend lots of time in here,but it keeps me young, and hopefully slows down Alzheimer....lol Love you ALL!!!!!

hey can u plz tell me how to get rid of the acne blemishes??? these are giving my face a horrible look... i m in dumps bcz of this problm..tell me plz how to get smooth skin/????

toothpaste works.....so does nuetrogena ppl!!

I knew about toothpaste but not all the others. Eye-drops! Palm-to-face :P That seems like a no-brainer after you mentioned it. I will have to try that on bug bites n such too :) Thanks!

I've knew something about the toothpaste but I never tried this remedy....next time I will be sure to remember it. Sheila I have to admit I would have never thought about garlic :)

Are you sure honey works ??

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