9 Home-Made Face Masks for Winter Skin Care ...


9 Home-Made Face Masks for Winter Skin Care ...
9 Home-Made Face Masks for Winter Skin Care ...

There's nothing like a home-made face mask to make you feel alive again! Face masks are one of the most ancient forms of beauty treatment and helps maintain smooth, silky, and beautiful skin. Today, all-natural face masks are all the rage because, well, who wants to use toxic commercial products?! These home-made remedies will help your nourish, cleanse, heal and protect your skin! Please, feel free to comment with any of YOUR home-made face mask tips!

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Avocado Mask

An avocado mask is perfect for dry skin that may become very irritated in the winter. It is easy to make: mash the flesh of avocado with a fork, add a touch of extra-virgin olive oil, and apply this smooth, fragrant mixture onto your face. This nourishing mask will supply your skin with a whole range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and softening agents to fight winter dryness.


Cultured Milk Mask

A cultured milk mask is a simple and effective cure for tired skin. Just apply a bit of natural yogurt, buttermilk, sour cream, or kefir on your face avoiding areas around the eyes. Relax for 10-15 minutes and rinse your face with cool water. This mask softens, rejuvenates, and restores a natural pH balance of your skin, thus, protecting it from negative influences of winter air.


Egg White Mask

An** egg white mask** is good for oily skin with large pores. Smooth a beaten egg white all over your face, let rest for half-an-hour, and rinse with water. This mask will refresh and tighten your oily skin and will make it look much healthier than before. In the winter, it will create a natural barrier to protect your skin from harsh winds and frost.


Oatmeal Mask

An oatmeal mask is a great remedy for skin beaten by a cold wind. To make it, mix together in equal proportions raw oatmeal flakes, egg yolk, and honey. Keep the mask on your face for about 20 minutes, wash with lukewarm water, and pat dry. After the application, your facial skin should feel very soft, refreshed, and healed.


Banana Mask

If you have combination skin suffering from winter elements, try a softening banana mask. Mix mashed banana with fresh sweet cream and apply this wonderful mask all over your face for 30 minutes. It will smooth, soften, moisturise and nourish your skin whenever necessary and will make you forget about the cold, harsh, and nasty winter outside!


Strawberry and Lemon Juice

This mask is great for those who suffer from redness problems in the winter weather! Take a handful of strawberries, 2 tbsp. of lemon juice and 1 tbsp of honey and blend it all in a blender. When it's a smooth paste, start to apply it on your face! Leave it for 20 minutes before washing it off. Strawberries actually contain salicylic acid which will help prevent your skin from breaking out!


Honey and Raw Milk

This is probably one of the easiest face masks you can make! All you need to do is take 5-6 tbsp. of raw milk and mix it together with 2 tbsp. of honey. Apply the paste on your face (and neck) and massage for five minutes. Then, allow it to sit on your face for 20 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water. The mask will moisturize your skin and is the easiest way to treat dry and rough skin during the winter season!


Moisturizing Papaya Mask

Another good way to moisturize your skin is with this papaya mask! It only requires two ingredients: one ripe, mashed papaya and one teaspoon of olive oil. Apply it on your face and leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing it off! Your skin will feel super smooth and silky after this mask!


Chocolate Facial Mask

I know what you're thinking: CHOCOLATE?! Yes, this is real. Dark chocolate is a healthy choice, and not just to eat. When applied topically, there are compounds in the chocolate that can benefit the skin! You'll need 1/3 cup cocoa powder, 1/4 cup honey, 2 tbsp cream or plain yogurt, 3 tsp oats. Blend everything in the blender until it's smooth and then apply it on your face for 15-20 minutes!

There you have it! These are just nine home-made face masks that your skin will thank you for this winter! Have you tried any of these?

P.S Here are some more Great Posts on Winter Skin Care:
5 Practical Tips on Dry Skin Care …
10 Fall-Winter Skin Care Tips for Radiant Skin …
7 Best Skin Care Products for Winter

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

i am 23 years old...no glow in my skin...small rases in my skin....i have combination skin...in winter my skin is very dry....how i get gloing skin and rash free akin...plz help me plz plz....

Thanks for making things easier 4 us.my face is so irratating me i even dnt feel good,in winter is dry nd wrikled,in summer it oily nd sensitive.plz help

In winters my body's skin starts turning dark or may be should I say starts lookn dark, particulary my hands n feet n legs..wat should i do ?

i become tan very soon.is there any treatment for this..or any mask that can help me to get rid of this tan skin.i have got a very nornal skin sumtims its dry.

washing dace in cold water is good or in hot water. which face wash is good-clean & clear,ever youth,vlcc...... pppppppppppplllllllllllzzzzzzzzzz give me a right answer im very much confound..........

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