8 Ways to Discover New Music ...


8 Ways to Discover New Music ...
8 Ways to Discover New Music ...

I love music. Love love love it! I’m always on the prowl for new melodies to dance to and new songs to sing horribly in the shower. I can easily spend hours searching for great stuff to upload to my iPod. Anyone that knows me would probably tell you that my love of music is up there with how much I love my Mom. Okay, maybe not that much, but definitely close. As a music fiend, let me share my secrets! Here are 8 ways to discover new music...

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Music Blogs

Music Blogs Photo Credit: Ed Yourdon

The internet is overflowing with music blogs from all over the world. You can find many that offer free, legal daily downloads. No matter what your favorite genre is you can find someone, somewhere that has made it their mission to bring you the latest hit makers.


CD Swaps

CD Swaps Photo Credit: FatoOoma Qatar ~

Websites like swap-bot.com or online music groups like Yahoo’s The Mix Fix can be great resources for new music. Depending on the swap partner you’ve been assigned you’re able to get your hands on music that hasn’t made it big in your area yet, isn’t something you’d normally listen to, or is a great underground track you haven’t heard. If joining a group sounds like too much work, rifle through your friend’s CD collection. She’s bound to have something that is new to you!


Online Music Engines

Online Music Engines Photo Credit: Eddie James

Lala, Pandora or my personal favorite, Lastfm are great resources for new music. Pandora.com lets you vote on music you hear until it builds a special station tailored exactly to your likings. Lala.com provides a wide array of music that is reasonably priced at 10 cents for streaming or 89 cents to buy as an MP3. You can also upload your entire music library and then stream it from any computer. Lastfm.com pays close attention to what songs you listen to and how often then makes suggestions for you. Exclusive downloads are also available.


Satellite Radio

Satellite Radio Photo Credit: Lightroom Tutorials - https://www.cubagallery.co.nz

I have a friend that works at a local radio station and she would kill me if she knew I told you this, but if you have access to a satellite radio, take advantage of it. It seems like those crazy kids over at satellite radio get to do whatever they want – that includes playing whatever tickles their fancy. I’ve heard music so new the band doesn’t even have it on their MySpace yet!



Concerts Photo Credit: powerbooktrance

Every now and then you’ll see a relatively well known music act on tour opening for a headliner. Most of the time however the opener is a small band that you’ve never heard of. Usually it’s an artist so new that they’ve only just put out an album and you get to preview their entire catalogue before buying it.


Music Festivals

Music Festivals Photo Credit: lomokev

Music festivals are similar in concerts in that they’re the same thing, but on a much larger scale. For the price of one ticket that maybe you had to splurge on just a little, you have the opportunity to see more than 100 acts. Day long festivals like Lollapalooza, Coachella and SXSW (South by South West) are the perfect opportunity to hear music from people that in some instances haven’t even made a CD yet.


Film & Television

Film & Television Photo Credit: roevin

I was born in the 1980's right along with the concept of the new and improved movie soundtrack – thanks to Mr. John Hughes. Through the 90’s and the 00’s it’s been perfectly and parlayed into television. If I went through my iPod right now I can pick out 25 songs I’ve heard on Grey’s Anatomy. Check out the movie or the show’s website and get a playlist of what was featured. There are even great new songs on TV commercials, not just shows...


Local Music Scene

Local Music Scene Photo Credit: mudpig

Unless you live under a rock or a really really small town, you have a music scene. There are people old and young with guitars, drums and pianos all trying to pursue a dream. You might have to sit through a few of off key sets but every now and then you’ll find someone amazing for the price of bar cover. Remember that before Coldplay, Lady GaGa and Taylor Swift were selling out stadiums they were small local acts somewhere.

If you follow these tips your iPod will be full in no time. Are there any places you like to frequent for new and different tunes? How do you discover new music? Do ou have any fave new songs to share?

Top Photo Credit: cameraforaface photography

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

haha i always make sure the band has a hot lead singer :)

love the post :D

Heyy, what are your top 5 music blogs?

I love searching for TV and movie themes. A great way to discover talented musicians :)

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