Are you, like me, a bit clueless about financial issues? Would you like to learn more about shares, how to budget, or reducing your expenditure in the home? Since we are in a difficult period for the economy, it is well worth looking into ways to increase your income and reduce your outgoings. There are so many websites that will help you inform yourself and find ways of keeping more of your cash.
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1. Moneysavingexpert
This is a UK site, so much of the advice will not be relevant for US readers. However, I recommend it highly because there is also a great deal of useful information relevant whatever your location. The forums will be of most use to US readers – I particularly recommend the Old-Style board for recipes and tips for around the house.
2. Yahoo Finance
This has a lot more information about investments and the economy, but also has a personal finance section. Even if you don’t want to become an expert in economics, it’s worthwhile reading some articles and educating yourself a little. There are also lots of articles on buying a home, family finance, education and retirement.
Frequently asked questions
3. MSN Money
This is along pretty similar lines to Yahoo finance, with sections on business and personal finance. Both sites have tools to help you work out your finances, such as how much you need to save every month towards a particular goal.
4. Wall Street Journal
Of course, if you’re really serious about finance, this is the site you should be reading. Don’t be too daunted, as there are also news articles and a life & style section. But why not have a go at reading some of the articles on businessand the economy? You might find it easier to understand than you expect!
5. Understanding Money
This is a great site for women from the Australian Government, which I recommend because of its simple approach. You can read or download a number of information sheets on topics such as money and relationships, understanding financial terms, how to cope on a low income, and your own relationship with money.
6. Well Heeled Blog
Do you find financial websites a little dry? Then blogs are a great option. You can dip in and out, read an entry or several. This blog is written with a light touch, but still raises serious issues.
7. Get Rich Slowly
The title of this blog really appeals to me, as getting rich quickly is not a likely prospect for most of us! The comments may disagree with the blog entries, but that simply gives you more information to think about and make up your own mind.
8. Money Magpie
This is the site of Jasmine Birtles, a financial journalist (and standup comedian – nothing like diversifying). Again, the site has a UK bias, but there will still be lots of useful info for everyone. Learn about finding bargains, dealing with debts, green and ethical finance, having a credit crunch wedding…
I hope this has been useful, as we all need to know more about finance in these difficult times. Are there any financial websites that you recommend?
Top Photo Credit: Tomitheos