If you’re an aspiring photographer, it’s a distinct possibility that your favorite subject is eitheryour petor your little one… I know as an amateur shutterbug, there’s nothing I’d rather shoot than my daughters. But taking photos of kids, especially those under ten, is a challenge, to say the least! How can you capture the silliness, innocence, wonder, joy, and beauty of children? Here are 7 tried-and-true tips (from professionals) on photographing kids… I’ve tried these all, and they really work…
Snapshot Survey
Visit Them
Photo Credit: Shavar Ross
They key to making sure kids look comfortable and happy is for them to actually BE comfortable and happy… and what little cutie isn’t completely at home, well, at home? If you’re shooting fora friendor relative, see if you can shoot the photos at home.
Get down
Photo Credit: JennKstep
I can’t stress enough the importance of getting down on the ground, to the child’s level, to shoot the best photos. Some shots can be done up high, but to capture those mischievous grins and sparkling eyes, you’re going to want to get down to their adorable little level.
Use Natural Light
Photo Credit: Josh Liba
If at all possible, when shooting just about anything, natural light is better than using a flash. Avoid shooting in bright direct sunlight though, since it will wash everything out and the darling little ones will be squinting.
Play Some Music
Photo Credit: Bella Valentina Photography {Jess}
Kids love music, and if you play something upbeat and fun (like anything by Laurie Berkner), they’ll get up and dance… and if not, at least they’ll smile more!
Don’t Baby-talk
Photo Credit: CappiT
Kids hate it when grown-ups baby talk to them, so avoid this at all costs, unless you’re looking for shots of pouting kids.
Let Them Play
Photo Credit: JennKstep
Be a fly on the wall, and shoot candid shots of the kids just being kids — playing, singing to themselves, whatever. These will be the best photos!
Focus on a Feature
Photo Credit: Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie
Some of the best baby and child shots I’ve seen haven’t been portraits, or even candids… they’ve been detail shots, close-ups of a sweet feature, like tiny baby toes,sweet little braids, finger-paint covered hands, or those gorgeous blue eyes. Find a fab feature, and get some great shots!
Give Her a Camera!
Photo Credit: JennKstep
If all else fails, hand the child a play (or even a real) camera, something with a vintage feel to it, and let HER “take pictures” of you! You’re guaranteed to get a dozen or so shots that will make mom and dad melt. Don’t havea camera to spare? The next best trick is a bottle of bubbles, or a handful of bright helium balloons.
Keep these simple tips in mind while you’re taking photos of children, and they’re bound to be priceless! I especially love the last one, about giving the child a camera of her own to play with while you’re shooting… it’s precious! Do you have any other child photography tips to share? Please let me know!
Top Photo Credit: Pink Sherbet Photography
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