7 Ways to Keep Track of Your Child ...


7 Ways to Keep Track of Your Child ...
7 Ways to Keep Track of Your Child ...

No matter what their age, parents worry about their kids. In this day and age, it is more important than ever to keep track of you children - no matter how old they are! How do you keep up with today’s go, run, do society we live? Teens have this practice, that practice, this game, that try-out, and they are never home. How do your really know what they are doing, without seeming like mother hen? Keep reading for some terrific ideas.

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For Infants, a Baby Carrier

For Infants, a Baby Carrier Photo Credit: babybisoushop

Keeping baby as close to you as possible is best. Infant carriers allow you to keep them as close as is physically possible while still allowing your hands to be free. You might also consider a Snuggle Carrier.


For Toddlers, a Baby Leash

For Toddlers, a Baby Leash Photo Credit: Osbaldo Hernandez-Sahagun

There have been some people who have put up arguments about this being like treating your children like dogs. I really don't care what people think or what it looks like as long as it keeps my child safe. Using a leash enable the kid to have some freedom while still allowing you to keep a firm grip on them! They have some really cute ones now that look like monkey and bear backpacks, and the tails are the leashes that take away from the "leash" look.


For Young Children, Always, Always Keep Them with Eyesight

For Young Children, Always, Always Keep Them with Eyesight Photo Credit: Kaj Bjurman

Once they get too big for a baby leash, there is not much more that you can do other than stress to them the importance of staying near you and watching them. I tell my little guys they must stay near me and in my sight because I don’t want anyone to take them away from me, ever. Be careful how you say things like that – you don’t want to scare them and make them paranoid. Teach caution, not scare tactics!


For Preteens and Teens, Learn to Text!

For Preteens and Teens, Learn to Text! Photo Credit: StormchaserMike Photography

Cell phones are the gateway to our teens these days. Some never stop texting. So, set boundaries to where they go and set rules for checking in with you. Take nothing less than what you say - after all, you pay the bill, right?



Facebook Photo Credit: gio.preciado

Friend your kids on Facebook and keep track of their posts. Recent studies show Facebook is the number one place where you can find out whether your child is in trouble or not.


Keep a Dry-erase Board by the Door

Keep a Dry-erase Board by the Door Photo Credit: Charles P. Everitt

Keep a list of phone numbers and places for everywhere your child goes.

Before your kids go to school or leave, have them write the places they are going during that day or after school and when they will return home. This not only helps you to remember where they said they were going, but it also teaches them some accountability.


Stress the Importance of Your Knowing Where They Are

Stress the Importance of Your Knowing Where They Are Photo Credit: phantom kitty

Teenagers seem to think that when their parents ask them where they are going, they are just being nosey. Truth is, it is for their safety. Make sure they understand this and know that you are only doing if for their protection.

Crazy people live in this world. Don’t take ANY chances when it comes to the safety of your children. How do you keep track of your busy kids? I would love to hear about you ideas!

Top Photo Credit: Offshore Pro Group

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