10 Best Weight Gaining Foods ...


10 Best Weight Gaining Foods ...
10 Best Weight Gaining Foods ...

When I needed to gain weight, I found it really hard to find recipes that didn’t include low fat foods or require huge amounts to be eaten! Here are my top ten foods for weight gain!

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Paella ...

Paella is a gorgeous recipe from Spain, containing around 500 calories per serving.


Omelette ...

Omelette ... A typical mushroom omelette contains 560 calories. Omelette recipes differ, but they are easy and fast to prepare, and you can add whatever you want!


Macaroni Cheese ...

Make sure that you use high fat cheese and pasta, and your serving will top 450 calories! Check out these recipes!


Candied Ginger and Rosemary Squares ...

Candied Ginger and Rosemary Squares ... These are delicious, buttery squares, which contain 1822 calories per serving.


Quick Summer Bean Salad ...

Summer Bean Salad is one of the nicest salads ever, containing 602 calories per serving. Make a big portion, and keep it for lunches and warm nights.


Butter ...

Butter ... 100g of butter contains a massive 750 calories, and butterkist popcorn contains 420 calories per 100g!


Bakewell Tarts ...

A single bakewell tart contains 400 calories, learn how to make one here!


Chicken Broth ...

Chicken Broth ... One of my favourites, this is definitely worth cooking and storing if you can. This is broth and dumplings, and is certainly calorie heavy!


Mashed Potato ...

Calorie heavy already, at 480 calories per cup, but loaded with cheese and butter this is one of the heaviest foods, and also the easiest to make!


Homemade Pie ...

Whether its cottage pie or fish pie, serve a large portion with mash and vegetables for a calorie heavy meal.

These are my top ten calorie heavy foods, which I believe can easily be incorporated into a diet. If you can think of others, please let me know!
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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Iam so glad someone finally posted information listing what foods will help you gain weight. My weight has always been up and down partly due to high metabolism but im older now but cant seem to hold weight on a regular basis. I was glad to come across this information now i know what to eat to get me on my way. Also I've been working out but now i feel as though ive lost more then i wanted so would like to add back just a few pounds but certainly not looking to get FAT!!

i want to gain some weight , because am so thin and because of that i have trying going to the gym to gain some weight but i have never and even loosing the little i have on so please how and what do i have to eat or take to gain some weight please help me for that because i don't know and i have been trying and doing what ever but still not

So excited for this post and the 20 High calorie foods post. 6 months ago I lost 15 lbs and am now 10 lbs underweight (lowest ove been since 7th grade). Have not been able to regain the weight and I look like a skeleton. No one I know has had this problem so I'm getting a lot of uneducated advice. And when I typed it in before, I could only find weight gain for body building. Thank you thank you! Can't wait to try some stuff out!

hi im 20 years old i have been told by alot of people im 2 skinny and need to put on weight i weigh 45 kilos and iam despreate to put on weight i was drinkingh musele 101 but it didnt help please if anyone has easy quick receipes for breckfast lunch and dinner please help me out

I'm 13 and I'm only 85 pounds /: I eat most of those foods and I still can't get to 100 pounds. I work out by swimming, Wii boxing, and Wii tennis. It still doesn't work. Help?

Hi im 16 years old i weigh 49 Kilos and have been trying to gain wait since i was 14 , im desperate to gain weight fast as i have been trying for so long now PLEASE HELP ME!

Hi ... Iwant tips to become fat..My age is 24years and my weight is 34kg...so i want tips to become fat..i want to gain weight in 1month...

I need to gain weight before chemotherapy and to try to keep weight on during and after my treatment. Thanks for all these good ideas. Ruthann

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