8 Foods That Flatten Your Stomach ...


8 Foods That Flatten Your Stomach ...
8 Foods That Flatten Your Stomach ...

Who wouldn’t want a flat, toned stomach like Gisele? Well, there isn’t a trick exercise, or a secret tablet, but there are foods that will help you to pull off a flatter stomach. Interested? Here are eight foods you should definitely be adding to yourgrocery shopping list...

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Asparagus Photo Credit: hoveringdog

Asparagus is a natural diuretic, which means it will help you to shed additional water weight, leaving you with a much skinnier stomach! It’s also an aphrodisiac, so including it into your meals could help you to get some extra sexy exercise, too!



Blueberries Photo Credit: eatzycath

Blueberries have always been known to be a superfruit, but their true powers are only just being explored. They’ve been recently revealed to fight stomach fat, and leave you much svelter. They aren’t in season for long, but even frozen fruits have the same effect. Blueberry, anyone?


Citrus Fruits

Citrus Fruits Photo Credit: stublog

Citrus fruits have been proven to aid digestion, which will stop you from bloating. Try adding lemon slices to hot water for a refreshing drink, adding lemon and limesto salads and snacking on oranges. You’ll boost your fruit intake and help your body to digest. Getting healthier andlooking skinnier?! Yes please!



Eggs Photo Credit: chotda

Eggs are very high in protein, and also contain vitamin B12, which mean they are great for helping your body break down and burn fats. They are also agreat breakfastchoice, and omelettes can be very low fat and great for lunchtime.


Green Tea

Green Tea Photo Credit: Thorsten (TK)

Green tea is actually amazing at helping you burn calories. I have no idea why...it just is! So adding a few cups to your daily diet will increase your water intake and help you to burn off some of your food faster...Now I’ve just got to find a flavour I like!



Papaya Photo Credit: CharlieBrown8989

Papaya’s are a very exotic tasting, tasty fruit, and they are great for you too. Not only are they packed with vitamins and minerals, but they also break down fibre, which causes bloating and gas when it isn’t broken down. It's also great for lustrous,healthy skin. Try it with Greek yoghurt...Mmmm!



Salmon Photo Credit: terri_tu

Salmon is packed with Omega 3, which really help you to digest your food and keep you looking trim and aid in burning calories. It also tastes great, and you can eat so much of it. It goes well with so many different meals, you’ll never guess you are eating the same food. Yummy!



Water Photo Credit: kuzdra

Water is so obvious, as it helps toflush your system of toxins, reduces bloating and helps digestion. Most people drink juice or squash, however, and don’t get enough of the good stuff. Dislike water? I can’t stand the stuff, but adding fresh fruit to it gives it a hint of flavour which makes it more drinkable.

I’ve been editing my meal plans to add in these super foods, and I can’t wait for them to help melook amazing in my bikini! After all, who doesn’t want a flat stomach and a healthier digestive system!? Have you found a food which makes you slim? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: mewall82

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

this is a cool post.. i eat all of these :]

Wow......a nice list to remember. I'll make sure to eat all of them.

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