8 Reasons to Hang out in Your Local Library ...


8 Reasons to Hang out in Your Local Library ...
8 Reasons to Hang out in Your Local Library ...

I’ve been a member of my local library since I was old enough to pick upa book. In fact, whenever I move house, the first thing I do is to zip off to the nearest branch and grab a ticket. Do you think libraries are boring? Wrong! Here are some great reasons to hang out at the library.

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You Can Flop down in a Comfortable armchair and Flick through the Papers

You Can Flop down in a Comfortable armchair and Flick through the Papers There is usually a wide range of magazine titles as well, maybe not quite what you’d usually read, but why not try something new!


The Libraries in My Town Often Have Evening Events

The Libraries in My Town Often Have Evening Events Films, dance, theater, talks … and all free!


You Can Have Peace and Quiet

You Can Have Peace and Quiet Although libraries may not be the haven of tranquility they once were, they’re still a great place to relax in and get away from the demands of work and home.

Photo Credit: Tom Hanslien Photography


Libraries Have Fun Story Times for Children

Libraries Have Fun Story Times for Children Take advantage of story time. Keep the kids entertained, meet other people, and start them off on a love of reading.

Photo Credit: Mr. Mark


The Information Noticeboard is Full of Wonderful Ideas and Opportunities

The Information Noticeboard is Full of Wonderful Ideas and Opportunities You’ll find local events, classes, groups and more. Learn a language, join a theater group, see an art show …

Photo Credit: house-n-baby { Lea }


Internet Problems at Home?

Internet Problems at Home? Grab your laptop and head off to use the library’s wirelessinternetconnection.

Photo Credit:TADA's Revolution


There Are Exhibitions at Larger Branches

There Are Exhibitions at Larger Branches Art, crafts, local history … not as boring as it might sound. You might learn something!

Photo Credit: yushimoto_02 [christian]


And Finally, the Best Reason of All -- B.ooks!

And Finally, the Best Reason of All -- B.ooks! Books!! It might seem as if they have been pushed out by DVDs and CDs, but libraries still contain books on every subject. Read fiction, travel the world, learn a language, pick up a new skill...

Photo Credit: Ozyman

What do you love about your local library? If you never go, what should a library offer to tempt you?

Top Photo Credit: // solidether

Feedback Junction

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I LOVED the library at home :D If I couldn't find a book at the main branch, I could always find it in another. Plus, when I was younger, I was able to rent rated R movies without getting carded ;D Sadly, the library system where I'm currently stationed at isn't that good :( Le sigh

Ironically, i was just on the library's website .Did you know you can renew books online too ?I love the library !Great article !

one other thing + all those good stuff you metioned. You can meet men there ;)

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