February has a lot to offer us and with it being the 2nd month of the year we can kick ourselves back into that new years resolution we left behind last month. Here are 10 wonderful things to ****love about this month and hopefully they will create some other ideas of what you love about February.
Snapshot Survey
1. The Pittsburgh Steelers Won the Super Bowl…
If you or someone you know didn’t watch NBC on Sunday February 1st, than you might not know that The Pittsburgh Steelers have beat the Arizona Cardinals 27-23 to win Super Bowl XLIII! Jennifer Hudson stepped out for her first performance since the tragic death of her family members and sung her heart out to the National Anthem. And before Hudson, Faith Hill walked onto the Tampa Bay turf to sing "America the Beautiful". The Half Time Show made all the Jersey natives proud of their Boss Bruce Springsteen who hit every note of "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out", "Born to Run.", "Glory Days", and his newest "Working on a Dream". If the Steelers aren’t your favorite football team than who are you hoping wins next year’s Super Bowl?
2. Our Heroes Are Back to save Us…
Monday night on February 2nd our favorite good guys Peter Petrelli, Hiro Nakamura, Ando Masahashi, Matt Parkman, Mohinder Suresh and good girls **Claire Bennet, Daphne Millbrook, and Niki Sanders were back on ,NBC,fighting to save the world. Of coarse the **bad guys and girls like Nathan Petrelli, Angela Petrelli, Noah Bennet and Sylar were there to destroy it. Although the episode ended with a “to be continued…” suspense, it left us wondering how far NBC will take the good vs. evil concept. Who is your favorite Hero?
*"Heroes" 2007 Pre-Emmy Party Hosted by Perry Ellis and Vanity Fair
3. Groundhog Day...
The movie starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell is a love for some of us as well. However, I’m talking about the day Punxsutawney Phil comes out to forecast how the rest of our winter from February 2nd until March 20th will be. If Philsees his shadow that means six more weeks of heavy winter coats and hot coffee or tea. However, if he doesn’t see his shadow he’s letting us know that it’s time to put on those cute Spring tops! This year little Phil did see his shadow, which means more snow could be on it's way. How will that affect the rest of your winter?
4. He's Just Not That into You…
With a big cast of star actors and actresses, the February 6th release of He's Just Not That Into Youmight be the most anticipated romantic comedy of the year. The cult following all started with Greg Behrendt and** Liz Tuccillo's** book of the same name. Now Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Ginnifer Goodwin, Scarlett Johansson, and Jennifer Connelly will show us just how not into them Ben Affleck, Justin Long, Kevin Connolly, and Bradley Cooperare. Do you have a guy that's just not that into you?
*Warning Signs: Your Date's Not Into You
5. St. Valentine's Day…
What's not to love about Valentine's Day, even if you are single? This day of love can be fun for everyone married, engaged, dating, single, young, and old. And if you are married or engaged don't forget about your single friends. Send them a nice card or take them out to the movies. For all the single gals and guys don't think that this day is just about having a date…remember all the love that you do have in your life. For moms and dads, put together some fun craftswith the kids like a scrapbook of all the reasons why you love them with funny pictures of the family on each page. For all those couples out there just make sure your significant other knows all the reasons why you are lucky to have them in your life. St. Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about the money spent on a fancy dinner or a dozen roses. What will you be doing on February 14th? My fiance and I will be spending time with each other as well as family members for a birthday party!
6. Spring is on Its Way…
If you live in those snow covered cities you know that March 20th is the first day of spring. And if you have experienced two or more feet of snow this year than you are already thinking about showing off your legs in that cute Spring dress you have waiting in your closet. Spring is about color, sunshine, laughter, happiness, and new beginnings. And with spring around the corner it only means that summer isn't too far off. What will Spring bring for you? This Spring I'll be trying on wedding dresses for my Spring of 2010 ceremony.
7. President's Day…
We celebrate two great American Presidents on February 16th, our first George Washington and our 16th Abraham Lincoln. Both Presidents did great things for America and helped us become who we are today. And because of such a wonderful holiday we receive wonderful sales at department storeseverywhere! Will you celebrate President's Day by doing something for your community or by shopping?
*Celebrity Endorsements: Thanks or No Thanks.
8. Black History Month…
With Barack Obama as our 44th President making new history for America, Black History Month means so much more this year. This month we remember those like Harriet Tubman who helped slaves find their way to freedom, Jackie Robinson who didn't let the all white baseball teams stand in his way, Rosa Parks who wouldn't give up her seat on the bus, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who had a dream for us all. What black historian do you remember this month? I think in the future everyone will be remembering Oprah and how she was more than just a talk show host.
*The Beauty of Black Fashion Celebration Black History Month
9. The Oscars Are on ABC…
And the fabulous dresses are on the red carpet. Tune in on February 22nd at 8pm to see if Brad Pittwalks away with best leading actor for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button or if Kate Winsletwins for best leading actress for The Reader. Saucy Aussie Hugh Jackmanwill be hosting this year’s award ceremonyand will hopefully show us all what The Boy from Ozcan really do. Do you think SlumDog Millionaire will win for Best Picture? I'm hoping to see Wall-E win for best Animated Movie!
*Oscars 2008-Worst Dressed
10. Leap Day…
Although it’s not on the calendar this year…many leap babies got to celebrate their official birthdays last year on February 29th. A leap day or a leap year is needed to keep our calendar in time with respect of the rotation the earth has around the sun. Most leap years occur every four years, so a child who turned eight in common years would have only been four last year on leap day. Were you or anyone you know born on a leap day or in a leap year? My best friend's daughter was born last year on the 29th of February and this year we will be celebrating her birthday on the 28th! Happy Birthday!
What are your favorite things about February?
Sources: NBC.com, Steelers.com, NFL.com, Groundhog.org, Popsugar.com, Familyfun.go.com, History.com, Oscars.org, Timeanddate.com, Whitehouse.gov
Photo Credit: **redstamp.com, **Boston.com, sapcforum.blogspot.com, limelife.com, Millionlooks.com, ecmps.pqa.com, activerain.com
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