10 Best Love Blogs for Women ...


10 Best Love Blogs for Women ...
10 Best Love Blogs for Women ...


The perfect source for all things related to love, relationships, and sex. The categories range from innocent to steamy. I personally love the great advice given on just about any dating and sexual delimma out there.

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UNDERSTANDING MEN Men baffle me. My feelings for them range from undeniable adoration to guiltless rage. Thankfully, this blog has very helpful articles.


Many women share these perplexing sentiments. It's as though men come from a different planet, with their cryptic signals and mind-boggling actions that leave us guessing and reeling. But fret not; here within the sisterhood of this community, we tackle the labyrinth that is the male psyche. From their fear of commitment to their love language, articles here shed light on the enigma. Embrace the journey to decode their thoughts and behaviors, and let’s navigate the complexities of love and relationships together, with a dash of humor and a wealth of shared experiences.



DEARSUGAR Dear Sugar is another great blog by the Sugar Network. It talks about many aspects of love, sex, and relationships. I personally enjoy the polls and discussing the sides with the other readers.


Dear Sugar is a blog that provides advice and insight into all aspects of love, sex, and relationships. It is part of the Sugar Network and is written by a team of experts to provide readers with the best advice and support. The blog also includes polls and discussion forums, giving readers the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences with other readers. Dear Sugar is a great resource for women looking for advice and support on the topics of love, sex, and relationships. It is also a great place to connect with other women and discuss their experiences in a safe and supportive environment.


SUSIE and OTTO Susie and Otto are relationship coaches. Reading the situations they tackle on their blog are addictive because they hit home. Admittedly, I have gone through many of the issues that they have discussed and I have learned a lot from their advice.



BETTY CONFIDENTIAL The ladies behind this blog are wonderful. Reading their posts on love, sex, and everything in between feels like talking to your best girlfriends.


GLAMOUR - SMITTEN The blog posts here are easy to read and are of topics that anyone in a relationship can relate to. Well, there are dating fashion topics that your boyfriend will not get but you have to admit that they are important. I, for one, have been baffled far too many times about what to wear on a date.


EN and LO This blog's tagline is "Sex, Love, and Everything in Between." That surely nails what this blog is about. Em and Lo are love-and-sexperts. They have written books, stories for different publications, and have a TV show about sex coming out.


YOUR TANGO - LOVE BUZZ This blog has great articles on dating, love, and sex. The community of readers is also great.


FAMILIES This blog is focused on family life and everything else connected to it. Topics range from engagements, weddings, having date nights, having a career, marital tips, second marriages, and others. This is definitely a great resource on family life.


STRENGTHENING MARRIAGE The blog owner, Laura Brotherson, is a certified marriage and family life educator. The posts here are extremely helpful, no matter which part of marriage or family life you're having problems with. There are also romantic stories on how couples met and I just love reading those.

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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hi i want to share my story here and get advice....I have friend who i like a lot, respect him, adore him, and willing to do anything for him...and when he is sad or in trouble i used to cry and pray god for his good.I started speaking to him exactly one year from now.I first met him 3 years back during a fest of my college when we both were in first year of our college and got introduced to each other by a senior common friend of us.after that i really forgot who he was and i was in my world of problems(academic), again exactly after 2 years i met him again in the same college fest and started speaking and he became really close to me and he had remembered me although i had forgot, that was so sweet of him and later he used to care a lot about me and seems like he was becoming possessive about me.then i dont know how i developed a huge crush on him and i was thinking its wrong thinking about a guy during studies ( i had developed hatred towards love and when that happens to me its obvious i felt scary and guilt coz i had thought love during life is wrong). I couldt even control my feelings towards him, i used to feel is presence everywhere, we usually meet in extracurricular activity club of our college where we both work together, and he is the only one friend i have there, when he doenst turn up for meeting my heart beat goes high and my eyes starts looking for him.We became so close that i used to share all my problems with him,and he did the same. I had no guts to tell me i like him and used to cry thinking of him, i had no guts because i believe first love is best and later loves wont give u happiness , so if this selection is wrong i have to be guilt for life time and my parents hate love marriage.after 6 months or so i told this to my best friend and told all my feelings, later she gave me a good advice and told me this is all common and everything is fine and told me to try to leave thinking about him and talking to him few days, and i did the same and i was bit relieved and later i started speaking to him and realised he is my best friend and love with care exists between us and it is more stronger than love...but some where in my mind i still feel crush for him i dream about we being together and i cant tell this to my friend who had resolved the problem back then coz she have thought i'm fine now.....Please help me how to get rid of this?

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