It's fall again and with the coming of the new season, we need some new and fresh dating ideas. And although the weather is cooling down, your love life doesn't have to. Read on for some 9 great fall date ideas that will keep your dating schedule busy and you enjoying the changing of the season!
Snapshot Survey
Apple Orchard
Photo Credit: lightpainter
Rows and rows and rows of pretty trees to walk between. Let the scent of fresh apples and doughnuts take over your senses. Buy the one you love a warm apple cider and pick some apples together!
Woods Walk
Photo Credit: (Erik)
The leaves are changing and the scenery is just beautiful. A walk in the woods is just what you need on a crispy fall day. Pull your loved one close and keep each other warm while you watch in wonder as the scenery around you becomes more and more colorful.
Star Gazing
Photo Credit: Andrea sue
Star gazing is fun no matter what time of year it is. Just remember to bring some extra blankets and cocoa to take care of that extra bit of chill in the air. Lay back and look up at the sky while the leaves fall around you!
Leaf Jumping
Photo Credit: emmages
Why not turn something that's a chore into something much more fun. Rake up a pile of leaves and then, leap in. Bring the kid in you alive again with the one you love standing right by you.
Pumpkin Patch
Photo Credit: jessamyn.n
Fall is the time for pumpkins, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin carving and yes, pumpkin patches. Layer up and grab your honey's hand and take a stroll through the patch to find that perfect pumpkin for your perfect pumpkin.
Photo Credit: Nelo Esteves ~ As Seen Through Hazel Eyes
They don't have to be haunted but a little hayride through a field is very calming. Just sit back and cuddle up with your guy and watch the scenery roll by slowly. Just remember to pick the hay off your honey's back for him.
Horseback Riding
Photo Credit: longhorndave
What could be better than a ride through the woods on horseback? The answer, not a whole lot. We're programmed to believe that horseback rides are romantic, and they really are. Bond with your baby and the horse and enjoy a nice horseback ride!
Long Country Drive
Photo Credit: Brian Callahan (ShinsanBC)
When the weather gets just a little too cool for a walk hop in the car and drive through arches of leaves. Just stay warm and play some relaxing music to calm you and your significant other down. And who knows, maybe if you find the perfect spot you can hop out and enjoy the scenery on your feet for a while.
Corn Mazes
Photo Credit: Awen Photography
The corn maze, while hard to navigate, is actually a pretty romantic date. You hold on to your guy and try to find your way to the end of the maze. You'll make decisions together and hopefully you'll get out of the maze in good time. But if you can't, enjoy the time alone while trying to find your way out.
Well ladies these are my 9 fall date ideas. Remember to layer up and enjoy this time with your sweetheart. The leaves only change like this one season of the year! What do you do when fall rolls around? Let me know down below!
Top Photo Credit: jersey
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