7 Gorgeous Celebrity Couples ...


7 Gorgeous Celebrity Couples ...
7 Gorgeous Celebrity Couples ...

Hollywood is full of beautiful people, so it seems a little unfair that they always seem to pair up, leaving the less-attractive rest of us regular people to pair with each other. Sad, isn’t it? How’s a girl to compete with Gisele Bundchen or Angelina Jolie for the affection of Tom Brady or Brad Pitt? I must admit though, gorgeous Hollywood couples are a lot of fun to watch, and if you agree, keep reading! Here are 7 gorgeous Hollywood couples…

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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie While I was a hater when this couple first got together (Brad WAS married, after all), but you have to admit, they are gorgeous together. They seem to be very in love, and very well-adjusted… and hot… and their kids! Also very adorable.


Will and Jada Pinkett Smith

Will and Jada Pinkett Smith Hollywood couples rarely last, but these two have a happy, successful marriage that even regular folks like me can admire. They’re both so good-looking, and so smart and articulate, is it any wonder their children are amazing, too? I loved their little boy in the “Happyness” and “Karate Kid” movies…


Zooey Deschanel and Ben Gibbard

Zooey Deschanel and Ben Gibbard I adore Ben Gibbard, and I think Zooey Deschanel is fabulous, so I was tickled when this gorgeous couple wed. She’s got the classic pin-up good looks that Katy Perry emulates, but for Deschanel, it comes naturally. And Gibbard has that a-dork-able cuteness about him, all nerdy and sweet and handsome.


Courtney Cox and David Arquette

Courtney Cox and David Arquette While this hot Hollywood couple recently announced their marital problems, they still look great together, don’t they? As goofy as Arquette can be, he’s actually a perfect match for Cox. They’re both gorgeous, intelligent, and successful.


Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale

Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale This rock-and-roll couple is still going strong, and their entire family is so gorgeous! They both have a great sense of style, and they seem so happy together! I just wish Rossdale’s band, Bush, would release something new…


Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady

Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady It’s impossible to say which one in this couple is more gorgeous, the Victoria’s Secret model, or the hottie football star. Does it matter? Probably not. They’re such a beautiful couple… it’s almost sickening.


Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monocco

Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monocco She was elegant and gorgeous, he was a handsome prince, and their romance was a fairy-tale. I think of them now, because their son is getting married soon, and besides, when you say “gorgeous,” Grace Kelly must come immediately to mind!

These are just a few of the hottest celebrity couples, but I’m sure there are so many more! Which of these gorgeous Hollywood couples do you think is the hottest, or is there a pairing I’ve left off my list? Please let me know!

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Bush has released a new single and there is supposed to be a new album soon. :)

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