9 Celebrity Couples Who Are Going the Distance ...


9 Celebrity Couples Who Are Going the Distance ...
9 Celebrity Couples Who Are Going the Distance ...

For as obsessed as the media is with celebrity couples who breakup, go through hardships and heartbreaks, and suffer – you know, like regular people – you rarely see them giving props to those couples who are still together after a comparably long time. True, a long relationship in Hollyweird typically equals out to about three years, but more often that you'd think, you come across a pair like these 9 celebrity couples who are going the distance.

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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Image source: spettegola.com

I think a lot of people first expected this relationship to just fall apart, as a kind of karmic kick in the teeth. You daily read about “news” of their breakup in the weekly tabloids, but these two ridiculously beautiful people have yet to split – and, notably, you never hear any quotes from the two of them, which is telling. I think they might be in it for the really long haul.


Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell

Image source: images.olsen-twins-news.com

I mentioned recently that it would be nice to see these two yet married, but evidently they don't even need to tie the knot. It would be positively storybook to see them wed, but you have to admit that whatever they're doing definitely works. Hopefully they don't pull a Susan Sarandon/Tim Robbins on us though.


Beyonce and Jay-Z

Image source: cdn.concreteloop.com

It took forever for these two to even admit they were seeing each other. Really, though, they are the sweetest couple. I think part of the reason they're so successful is because they don't give into the pressure of the press and paparazzi. They keep to themselves, they do their thing, and they're obviously crazy about each other.


Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani

Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani Image source: cache.boston.com

Although you don't really hear a lot about these two any longer, their relationship is still going strong. I'm not a huge Gwen fan, but adore both Bush and Gavin solo, so I used to rue the day these two got married. Now, though, even I have to admit that they have hit their stride and made a really great match.


Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow

Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow Image source: stupidcelebrities.net

So, ditto on these two. I love Coldplay and feared when I heard about this message that sensitive, poetic Chris would never survive Gwyneth. I'm not even going to comment on her attitude, I was more concerned with the fact that she changed boyfriends like most girls change underwear. In keeping with that, though, I guess she finally found the right pair of panties! Now if they could just stop giving their children such strange names.


Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka Image source: homorazzi.com

I love these two. And now they have twins! You can see the love between them and, now, the love they have for their children. I was in love with Doogie Howser as a young girl, and I can't even tell you how many of my dreams came true when he popped back up in the spotlight. I hope they never split up – and from the looks of things, I might easily get my wish.


Ellen Degeneres and Portia De Rossi

Ellen Degeneres and Portia De Rossi Image source: homorazzi.com

I was shocked, shocked! When these two got together. Mainly because after watching Portia on Ally McBeal forever, it was tempting to think I knew everything about her. I love these two together, too, and actually got a little teary over photos of their wedding. They're a beautiful couple, and I hope they have many years of sublime happiness.


Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore

Image source: mujer.orange.es

Did anyone else expect this to fall to pieces? But it worked, somehow – and in spite of rumors of Ashton's recent exploits, it's still working. I particularly love that Bruce Willis is still close to both of them. I think that's awesome.


Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones

Image source: glamrr.com

I had my doubts that these two would last as well, mainly because of the age difference, but it has worked beautifully. This just seems like the oddest match to me. Again, however, they must be doing something right, or at least something that works well for the two of them.

There are lots of other celebrity couples who are withstanding the test of time. They defy the odds of the stereotypical Hollywood relationship. Who are your favorites?

Top image source: viewsofia.com

Feedback Junction

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Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka are my favorite too!!

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