8 Celebrity Adoptive Parents ...


8 Celebrity Adoptive Parents ...
8 Celebrity Adoptive Parents ...

Adoption is something that many people have experience of, whether they were adopted themselves, or have an adoptive sibling or child. Fortunately, it is a much more accepted subject than it used to be, and people are quite happy to discuss it openly. Many celebrities have added to or created their families through adoption as well …

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Cruise/Kidman Image source: cache.gawkerassets.com

Even before this couple went their separate ways and had biological children, their adopted son and daughter were always described in those terms. That’s rather sad – adopted children are every bit as much yours as if you gave birth to them.


Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock Image source: mamapop.com

Even though her marriage broke up, Sandra went ahead with her planned adoption of little Louis. I’m sure that being a single parent is emotionally as tough for celebrities as well, but motherhood seems to have helped her cope with the changes in her life.


Mia Farrow

Mia Farrow Image source: 4.bp.blogspot.com

Perhaps the most famous celebrity adopter, Mia practically took an entire orphanage into her family. She might well have regretted it, given that one of them ran off with her partner Woody Allen, but fortunately most adoptions don’t end up like that!


Angelina Jolie

Image source: knoxleon.name

Angelina seems to be attempting to be the Mia Farrow of the 21st century, with her adoption of three children (and counting). Even with nannies and money, that must take some guts though. I don’t think I could cope with six children! Many people suspect that she hasn’t finished adding to her family though …


Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl Image source: freewebs.com

I think it’s lovely how Katherine speaks of adoption as such a positive experience. She chose her daughter from Korea, where her own sister was adopted from. I’m all in favour of international adoption – children need love, and we’re all the same under the skin.


Meg Ryan

Meg Ryan Image source: babble.com

Meg also has a biological son, but has adopted a daughter from China. She describes how she feels that they were meant to be mother and daughter – and who knows, maybe she’s right. Maybe fate did bring them together …


Sheryl Crow

Sheryl Crow Image source: kodamar.com

Shortly after splitting with her boyfriend, singer Sheryl was treated for breast cancer, but life is looking up for her. She has since adopted two sons – perhaps a better option than going through fertility treatment. Even without such a serious illness, I’d rather adopt.


Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone Image source: pictures.fp.zimbio.com

Like Sheryl Crow, Sharon adopted in her forties, although she has three sons. Sadly for her, she lost custody of her eldest son to her ex-husband (the younger boys were adopted by her alone).

Personally, I’m all in favour of adoption, and regard adopted children as equal to biological children. It’s my hope that the celebrity adoptions will encourage it to be seen as something that is not only normal, but positive (so often the media only reports on the negative side of the issue). But what do you think of celebrity adoptions – are they genuinely wanting to be parents, or are the babies just an accessory?

Top image source: v0.popcorn-news.ru

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Adopted or not, children should be loved and respected

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