7 Golden Rules of Editing Your Closet ...


7 Golden Rules of Editing Your Closet ...
7 Golden Rules of Editing Your Closet ...

Edited by Tania Fedio

I admit it – I'm a **closet junkie **and a virtual pack rat.

When you open my closet – there are piles and piles of clothes which are a combination of items that I never wore, those that I wore only once – or even items which I had from as far back as I was a teenager!

I can't seem to throw anything in the hope that I'll see a particular outfit in a new light – or worse, in the off chance that I get to fit in them again.

And I do know that I have to get rid of about half of the stuff that I have, so I bought Nina Garcia's "**Little Black Book of Style**".

Here are her 7 golden rules (which I promise to follow) on how to "edit your closet".

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Leave What Looks **good **on You

Leave What Looks **good **on You


Buy the **right **size of Clothes – Not Smaller

Buy the **right **size of Clothes – Not Smaller


Don't Be Sucked in by the **Sale **tag

Don't Be Sucked in by the **Sale **tag


Don't Play It Too **safe **– Always Add Something Extra

Don't Play It Too **safe **– Always Add Something Extra


Do Not Buy According to the trends

Do Not Buy According to the trends


Be Ruthless when You Edit

Be Ruthless when You Edit


Edit Your Closets with Your Best Friend Together

Edit Your Closets with Your Best Friend Together In the pile of "**Toss**"clothes, you can find something that will look great on you, and she will surely find something for herself in your "Toss" file.

All right, so the first thing that I'll do is put on the "**Toss**" file anything that does not fit – and everything which makes me look all frumpy and awful.

Thank goodness that I'm the type who doesn't subscribe to **trends **that much – so I don't have a lot of not-trendy-anymore clothes to go through.

Lastly, I better call up my BFF after I sort through the "**Toss**" and "**Keep**" file – I'm sure we'll have a blast sorting through all that stuff from my closet. And I'm sure my friend will keep me in line so that I won't '**cheat**' and filch any item that I don't need.

Seriously, I don’t want to be a closet junkieanymore.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I will take these tips to heart. My closet is just a nightmare..........I don't have room anymore. I'm a very sentimental person and some of the stuff I keep in my closet is because of sentimental reasons...like my red mini leather skirt which I wore once on a date with the father of my girls........I know I'll never wear it again but I can't seem to part with it!!! And that's not the only thing...there's more. This weekend one of my BFF's is coming over and we have a lot of clearing up & tossing to do! :)

he! nice tips Mabelle! very useful! thanks!

Awe... sentimental items are the hardest.... :(( I put mine into a special box and took them to the garage... They are no longer in the closet, but I still can go through them whenever I feel like it...

Oh, wow, this is one gorgeous post, girls! Great job! :) PS: I have edited my closet a month ago, threw pretty much everything out, it turned out 80% of the clothes I had in there were pretty much unwearable (too old, too tight (sigh), too "the-trend-is-over"...). The process of editing was tough, but once I was done, I felt such a relief! And the other great thing is that you'll know exactly what you need to complete the fab outfits that are left! AND you'll have a great excuse for shopping, which is always a good for a guilt-free money spending! :)

The Edit can be BRUTAL but oh so important!!

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