7 Tips on Saving Money on Clothes ...


7 Tips on Saving Money on Clothes ...
7 Tips on Saving Money on Clothes ...

Saving money is something that most people work hard to do, no matter how excellent their job pays. I’ve always been fairly frugal when it comes to spending money on clothes. I never really saw the need to spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of jeans when I can get a perfectly good pair for a lot less and have money left over to do something fun. Here are 7 tips on saving money on clothes that you can use or pass on.

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Check Online for Deals

Check Online for Deals Photo Credit: RichSeattle

There are certain brands of clothing that I adore, but can’t always afford. I’ve found tons of deals on eBay when it comes to used clothing. Sometimes liquidators are also selling clothing online for way less than what brick and mortar stores are selling the exact same thing for. There are plenty of replica sites as well. These sell clothing that mimics certain designers, but don’t cost even half of what the expensive versions do.


Be Open to New Designers

Be Open to New Designers Photo Credit: AmyMichelle~

I used to think I could only wear a certain brand of jeans, since they seemed to be the only ones that actually fit properly. With some trial and error, I did find a couple of other brands that fit just as well. It might take a few times, but finding a designer who has clothing you like, but doesn’t charge an arm and a leg for items is possible.


Check out Clothing Stores That Are Going out of Business

Check out Clothing Stores That Are Going out of Business Photo Credit: Faded Photograph

I’ve stopped by many stores just because the sign out front said they were going out of business. Tons of great deals on clothing can be had this way. Even if you’ve never heard of the place, stop in and see what they have. You never know. You just might be able to get a whole new wardrobe for a lot less than what you would have paid at the mall. It’s also a lot quicker than running from store to store all day long.


Look for Big Sales on Holidays

Look for Big Sales on Holidays Photo Credit: bauerpottery

I have yet to see a store that didn’t have a sale during the holidays. Check out the local newspapers, flyers posted in public places, and listen to radio ads for signs of when stores in your area might be having holiday sales. Even the sales that are only taking place for a single day can prove to be very promising. Sometimes the newspapers also have ads that can be taken in for an additional discount on a certain clothing item.


Shop in Thrift Stores

Shop in Thrift Stores Photo Credit: pixeljones

Some second hand stores are a bit grungy, but so are some garage sales and people still find tons of stuff at them. It’s easy to throw a little soap in the washing machine and toss in your new selection of thrift store clothing. I’m surprised at how many name brand items there are at second hand stores. The prices are excellent; especially the ones that offer bag sales. These places hand you a paper sack when you walk through the door and you can stuff as many clothes in it as you want for a single price.


Take Hand-me-downs when They Are Offered

Take Hand-me-downs when They Are Offered Photo Credit: Lost at Sea [Kane]

I’m not saying you should always take your great aunts glittery sequined sweaters every time she offers them to you, but some hand-me-downs can be fantastic! I get most of my hand-me-downs from my little sister. She has always worked in a clothing store and gets fantastic deals on clothes. She has excellent taste in outfits, so I don’t have to worry about her giving me anything that I wouldn’t leave the house in.


Borrow Instead of Buy

Borrow Instead of Buy Photo Credit: Green Wellies

Having siblings and friends who are about the same size as you is definitely helpful when you are looking for something new to wear. Maybe you need to dress up for a special event coming up, but don’t want to waste money on a fancy dress. Ask around and see what you can find. This will also prevent you from having to buy something that you know will only be worn once.

I hope these 7 tips on saving money on clothes prove useful to you during your next clothing spree. Buying new clothes is often a necessity, but sometimes it’s just plain fun. There’s no sense in having to refigure your entire monthly budget for a new blouse when smart shopping is all that is needed. How do you find the best deals on clothing? What are some money saving tips you have that savvy clothing shoppers might enjoy?

Top Photo Credit: RichSeattle

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