5 Tips on Dressing for a Successful Job Interview ...


5 Tips on Dressing for a Successful Job Interview ...
5 Tips on Dressing for a Successful Job Interview ...

From what I've seen, at a job interview, how you look could be the one thing that gets you the job and on the contrary - the very thing that doesn't give you a chance.

Just like anywhere else, how we ****dress determines the way people perceive us and HR department is no exception.

That’s why it’s so important to plan our outfits as carefully as we plan our CVs, if we are really serious about getting that job!

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No Low Cut Tops, and No Miniskirts ...

These won’t create the image you are looking to create, and in the long term, won’t impress future employers. Make sure whatever you choose looks smart and professional.

4 Dress Codes: Black Tie, Informal, Dressy Casual, Casual…


Want to Go Classic?

Choose a suit, and a crisp white shirt. Don’t think school shirts, however, as there is now a wide range of gorgeous and flattering shirts especially for this purpose. Think frills and buttons, but keep your suit simple and easy on the eye.

This is the perfect outfit for financial institutions, or anywhere you aren’t sure about.

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Frequently asked questions


A Dress Could Also Be a Great Alternative ...

Pick something classy, in black and white, and make sure that it isn’t too short or revealing. Find some gorgeous shoes that are comfortable, and you’ve immediately got an outfit that shows imagination and initiative.


Think about the Job Your Applying for ...

If it’s a creative position, choose an outfit with an unusual pattern or material. Bold patterns and accessories will be appreciated and show that your creativity also features in your private life. Your outfit will also be a great conversation starter.

However, make sure you’re comfortable wearing it. It’s better to wear something else than look awkward if you can’t pull it off...

For my last job interview, I chose a black wrap round dress, with a white shirt underneath. The look was stylish, yet professional, and made me feel confident. Fifteen minutes later I walked away with the job, and I’m sure my outfit had a lot to do with it.

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The Grooming Part ...

Wash and style your hair, get your nails done and choose your make up carefully. I personally get a mani-pediand a hair blow-dry in a salon for an extra confidence boost (can never get it done right at home).

Neutral nail polish colors are the best bet (beige, pale pink), I once made a mistake of going in with my 3 day old red nail polish (I was in such a rush, I totally forgot to take it off and ended up peeling it off on the subway).

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In the end my boss-to-be could not take her eyes off my chipped red fingernails, it was such an embarrassment for me and such a destruction for her, it looked like she missed half of my answers. Needless to say I never got the job...

As for the makeup, as far as I noticed, natural look works best - it makes you look professional yet pretty (foundation, concealer, a neutral eyeshadow, a bit of eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss do a great job, if you are a pro with blush, do put some for a healthy glow).

Unfortunately it takes me twice long to create a good natural look, so make sure you wake up early enough to make yourself look beautiful on the big day! ;)

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Oh, and don't gorget to go through your CV before you are called into the office. It helps to get "into the professional mood" and a little research on their company will not hurt - if you mention how much you admire... their first project/their office that was designed by... etc. you'll see how happy it will make your interviewer :)

I wonder if you have any** tips for the job interview** I didn't think of... or maybe a fail-safe interview outfit ideas? Or maybe you've got some job interview stories to share... I’d love to hear from you!

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Another tip... Never go to an interview smelling like cigarettes, it gives off the message that you need breaks. If you do need to smoke, have one before you shower and dress, then you can't have one till after the interview... and most of all do not light up that smoke until you are at least two blocks away!

That's a good one, Rowena, thanks!

1- Never go with a chewing gum in your mouth, your are out, 2- never use un-nessecery Accesories what ever it was a simple watch in hand can do the job.

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