11 Most Expensive Foods in the World


11 Most Expensive Foods in the World
11 Most Expensive Foods in the World

If you thought a $45 sandwich in New York Plaza Hotel was ridiculously expensive, you'll be surprised at how much more some people are willing to pay for a their gourmet fantasies! Read on to see the shocking 11 most expensive foods in the World!


The Double Truffle Hamburger ...

The Double Truffle Hamburger ... Created by celebrity chef Daniel Bouloud, this American classic with a French twist contains 3oz of rib meat, mixed with truffles and foie gras and stuffed inside seven ounces of sirloin steak. Served with parmesan cheese and a poppy seed bun. $120.


Beluga Caviar ...

The World’s most expensive caviar is a type of Iranian beluga called Almas. A 3.9 pound container costs $48,750!!


Fancy a Pie?

In 2006, the Worlds most expensive pie was created in England. The dish contains $1,000 worth of beef fillet, $3,300 of Chinese mushrooms, 2 bottles of 1982 Chateau Mouton Rothschild at a cost of $4,200 each, black truffles and gold leaf. The pie serves 8 and costs $15,900.


Loaf ...

The most expensive loaf in the world costs $19.50 a loaf, from a baker in France. However, in 1994 a woman noticed the image of the Virgin Mary on her toasted sandwich, and after keeping it for ten years (it never went mouldy) she sold it to a casino for $28,000.


Want an Ice Cream?

Want an Ice Cream? It’ll set you back $1,000! The aptly named Grand Opulance Sundae is made from vanilla bean ice cream, covered in 23 karat gold edible leaves, and drizzled with the world’s most expensive chocolate. Its then stuffed with truffles and topped with dessert caviar.


Chocolate ...

At $2,600 a pound, Chocopologie is the World’s most expensive chocolates. The seller also sells a single dark chocolate truffle for $250, but both are available only on a pre order basis. That’s some expensive chocolate!


Sandwich ...

The von Essen Platinum club sandwich costs a whopping $197, despite weighing under a pound! The sandwich is made of dried tomatoes, Iberico ham cured for 30 minutes, quail eggs, white truffles, and 24 hour fermented sourbread.


Caviar Omelette ...

For $1,000 you could order a caviar omelette, with a whole lobster inside it! This eggy treat is the most expensive omelette ever sold. A smaller version can be bought for $100.


The Luxury Pizza ...

The Luxury Pizza ... A 12 inch thin crust, will set you back $125 a slice! It has to be ordered in advance, so that 6 types of exclusive caviar can be ordered. Its then topped with lobster, crème fraiche, and chives. $1000 for the whole masterpiece.


Shaffron ...

The most expensive spice is Saffron, which has to be harvested by hand, and takes over 75,000 threads of the crocus flower to equal one pound. For this reason, the price is huge at $2,700 per pound!!


Cake ...

Who would have thought the most expensive cake would be a fruit cake?! Encrusted with 223 small diamonds, it costs $1.6 million and the gems must be removed before eating. It took six months to design, and one to create.

Have you tried one of these foods, or heard of anything else as expensive? I'd love to hear from you!
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Photo Credit: foundshit.com, money.cnn.com

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This is possibly the most wonderful post ever. I would feel terrible to eat any of these things after having paid an arm and a leg for them. Though that sundae - which I have read countless articles about - certainly looks scrumptious.

Well, that Sundae does look interesting, but I would have never paid a thousand for something like that. I bet Thai home made coconut ice cream they make in good Thai restaurants for $4 is way better! Besides, you can't eat all those gold decorations, nor you can put them on - so it seems to be quite a waste.

I saw a dessert show on TV and the host tasted gold foil (they were adding some on the cake and I assume it's the same gold material they included in the sundae) and he said that it doesn't even taste good. Just "interesting."

I agree, KB! The price will definitely stop me from enjoying any of these. Thanks Olga, I'll steer clear of the vanilla organic kinds. Although the name sounds delicious :D

paris hilton ordered #5 in her bff show

Can't say it looks particularly appetizing, I can get decent food here for a fiver!

I just saw a tv show about expensive foods and that Sundae was on the list!

oh my gosh...im not too sure how I'd feel after eating one of those..especially # 5... but it would be pretty cool to let people know "I'm so High Class I eat gold for dessert" BOOYYAAHH!! uhh...back to reality..

Olga, a Thai home made coconut ice cream sounds delectable. I will try some the next we go to a Thai restaurant. :D

Wow, thank you for sharing Meream! And I thought it was actual gold! Duh! :)) As for coconut ice cream - the first time I ordered it, they threw in vanilla organic ice cream as a treat, and the poor thing just sat aside, barely touched, as the coconut one was SO delicious! Bon appetit! :)

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