10 Ways to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work ...


10 Ways to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work ...
10 Ways to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work ...

You live in Chicago, he lives in New York. You’re graduating high school in June, he just went to college. You live in the States, he lives across the world in Japan. How do you keep the love alive with so many miles in between? I’ve done it, and it can work! And now, with these 10 ways, you can make your long distance relationship work too!

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Make a Kit

Before he leaves, make him a mailing kit with envelopes, stamps, postcards, address labels, and even cute stickers and a book of famous love poems and letters. That way, when he’s inspired, he can drop you a line without setting it aside because he doesn’t have a stamp.


Set Time Aside Every Day

Set time aside every day to call and say hello. The conversation doesn’t have to be long or involved. You just have to let him know you’re thinking of him. If he is in another country and calling him is just too expensive, meet online to chat even if it's just for a few minutes. With Skype and webcam, you will feel closer and more connected to him.

Frequently asked questions


Set Time Aside Every Month

If possible, set aside one weekend every month to see each other. This will help you stay close and in tune with what’s going on in each other’s lives.


Set Time Side Every Four Months

Set time aside every four months to get away somewhereaway from home for both of you. Meet half-way, or meet somewhere far away for both of you, but spend time together that’s not on his home turf or yours.


Be Reasonable

Since you won’t be seeing as much of each other, don’t expect that nothing will change. It will, but that doesn’t mean it has to be negative. Accepting change and not getting into arguments every now and then but working together is one way to create a successful relationship.

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Be Honest

If you’re feeling lonely, tempted, sad, or if you’re just missing him, tell him. The more you share with him honestly, the more he will trust you, and trust is key for ahealthy long-distance relationship.


Keep a Journal to Share

Keep an online or paper journal or diary for him. Make an entry every day, even if it’s not terribly long or detailed. If it’s online, post photos and links to things you enjoy.

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Send Care Packages

Every two or three weeks, mail him a care package with whatever he likes: magazine clippings, his favorite snacks, goofy little sketches you doodled, a book, photos of you together.


Keep in Touch with Family and Friends

If the two of you are miles apart, you’ll feel less distant if you keep in touch with his family and friends, just like you did before he left.


Know when to Let Go

This goes hand-in-hand with “be reasonable.” Even if he lived right next door to you, or in the same house as you, he’d need his own time and his own space. Expect that he will still need a night out with the boys, and don’t nag him when he goes.

My grandmother says “distance makes the heart grow fonder” and in many ways, I do believe her. It’s not always easy being in along distance relationship, especially this time of year, but it can be done, and it can be fun! How do you keep your man interested and happy when he’s in another postal code? What are your tips for staying close and in love? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: Ben Heine

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Ive been with my boyfriend a little over 4 years and 7 months ago he accepted a job 2500 miles away!! It was really hard to know that he wasnt going to be there for me physically everyday. But to be honest our relationship got stronger with the distance. It was like before it was so easy to take things for granted and now it makes you appreciate this person even more. It also helped us a lot because It forced us to learn how to communicate better . I really see this as a blessing in disguise but like Ren said it works for some people better then others.

My husband works in Africa, while we live in Nebraska.. He spends 5 weeks in Africa and then 5 weeks at home.. It's hard and I can't say that you ever get used to it, but if you love each other enough, you learn to deal with it.. We have been happily married for 14 years.. I would say that he has spent half of those 14 years at home with me.. It works for some people, others it doesn't.. But I will say this much.. I believe that in lots of ways the time apart has strengthened our relationship.. We haven't had an argument in years, we appreciate each other more, I have learned to be far more independent and take care of things that I never could have before, and to be perfectly frank, our sex life is far more active than other couples who have been married as long as we have.. When you have less time to be together, you don't focus on little things, you don't look for things to fight about, you don't take each other for granted (ever) & you are just happy to be together.. But like I said, it's not for everyone.. It takes a very strong woman (if I do say so myself) to spend every other month without her husband..

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