10 Tips on How to Be Romantic ...


10 Tips on How to Be Romantic ...
10 Tips on How to Be Romantic ...

Who needs a special day like Valentine's Day to show your love. Romance is always in the mind of the true romantic. And no, it does not have to mean spending a fortune on champagne and overpriced chocolates! Why not try being romantic while giving your wallet a rest and make your partner swoon? Here are my ten how-to tips.

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Enjoy a Full Moon Together

Enjoy a Full Moon Together Photo Credit: Garnite

Get a picnic mat and some good wine and watch the full moon together. Cuddling up under the stars is incredibly romantic and won’t cost you a penny...if you really get into it, you could watch the sun come up too!


Hold Hands

Hold Hands Photo Credit: | Syka |

Hold hands as you watch a movie or go shopping. If it's unexpected, it’s even more romantic and there isn’t a better way to be romantic than to physically touch someone. And it's free!

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Leave a Romantic Note

Leave a Romantic Note Photo Credit: churl

Leave your lover a romantic note, somewhere they won’t expect it. It will make their day to find it and it’ll only take you a few minutes to scribble a couple of lines and trust me nothing says I love you like a cute love note.


Go for a Walk

Go for a Walk Photo Credit: Firenzesca

Wrap up warm and go for a romantic walk... just think of all the films that feature these so many can’t be wrong! Watch the sunset or just enjoy each other's company with nothing else on your mind. And think of all the extra calories you'll burnwalking and canoodling with your sweetheart.


Wrap up warm and go for a romantic walk... just think of all the films that feature these so many can’t be wrong! Watch the sunset or just enjoy each other's company with nothing else on your mind. And think of all the extra calories you'll burn walking and canoodling with your sweetheart. Explore a nearby park or a quiet beach, hand in hand. Discover hidden trails, pause to admire nature's beauty, or share a quiet conversation. These moments are both good for your heart and your relationship. A stroll offers the perfect blend of intimacy and tranquility.


Watch a Classic Movie

Watch a Classic Movie Photo Credit: .Kels.

Cuddle up on the sofa and watch aclassic romantic film, like The Notebook or Casablanca. If neither of you are into slush, then just watch the other person's favorite film... it's the time together and the thought that counts!

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Have a Candlelit Dinner

Have a Candlelit Dinner Photo Credit: Rickydavid

Cook their favorite dish and serve with wine and candles as a surprise. This is a really romantic and heartfelt thing to do and they are sure to really appreciate it! If they love cooking, make a night of it and cook together or better still, make a scrumptious desert!


Buy a Rose

Buy a Rose Photo Credit: Kuzeytac

Okay, so around Valentine's Day they suddenly become tacky and thoughtless, but buying a red rose at any other time of the year would be super romantic and is sure to be really appreciated!


Schedule a Date Night

Schedule a Date Night Photo Credit: UglyKitty

Schedule a date night to go out and enjoy each other's company or stay in and put aside all distractions, so your attention is firmly on them. This is a great way to re-spark the passion! Just make sure in the long run that you keep the date romantic and not make it into just a routine.


Phone Them

Phone Them Photo Credit: galessa's plastics

Remember when you just started going out and you couldn't wait to talk to him all night long? Well, maybe that's not a feasible option anymore but you can definitely call him up out of the blue when he's at work or away just to tell him you love him. He won't expect it and that's exactly why he'll love it!



Kiss Photo Credit: Osvaldo_Zoom

You’d be surprised how nice it is to just be kissed, but how easy it is to fall out of routine. Go andkiss him now... he'll love you for it, and it’s the easiest way to be classically romantic!

See? Romance doesn’t have to cost a fortune, and is sure to keep the love alive and make your heart thump. It doesn’t cost the Earth, either, and means so much more than a tacky commercial gesture. Have you got an idea on how to be even more romantic? Please, share!

Top Photo Credit: sasha (birdsflyphotograph y.com)

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Very lovely post!! I'm a romantic at heart and thanks God my BF is one who accomodates all my romantic needs! I love doing the stuff you mentioned above. Thanks guys for creating such a wonderful athomospere and some good tips for those who need some idea and pushing!

Damn, I think my boyfriend has been reading your post, he does all that stuff! Roses out of the blue, candlelit dinners (or just champagne, strawberries and white chocolate), long walks, star gazing, silly gifts, etc, etc. Me on the other hand, need to start working a little harder... thanks for the ideas!

i have read all this and it looks great.i will try with my sweetheart .i mgoing to be married

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