10 Tips for the Nude Make up Look ...


10 Tips for the Nude Make up Look ...
10 Tips for the Nude Make up Look ...

I love the natural look. It looks so much prettier than caked on make up... and now that Spring is nearly here, it’s the perfect time to perfect your nude look! There are plenty of places to go wrong, though, and sometimes trying to look like you aren’t wearing make up requires even more make up! Here are my top ten tips for getting it right...

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The Image

The Image Photo Credit: christy400

Remember that the nude look is luscious lips and fluttery eyes, rather than smoky eyes and heavy foundation. It can be so easy to slip into routine when you are applying make up!


Know Your Colour

Know Your Colour Photo Credit: Linda Cronin

Knowing which colours will suit you is important. If you have pale skin, go for peachy colours, and light pinks. If you have olive undertones, select cream and pale beige.


Test It First!

Test It First! Photo Credit: beth.armsheimer

Test any new make up, preferably before you buy it, but definitely before you wear it! You’d be surprised how many people choose a colour that looks wrong, and gives them a ghostly, washed out, look, or have to scrub it off and leave their faces looking red and sore.


Use a Lip Exfoliater

Use a Lip Exfoliater Photo Credit: Zamm

Nude lips are best achieved by using a slightly coloured lip balm, so your lips need to be in good condition! Invest in a lip exfoliate to make sure they are looking and feeling their absolute best.



Concealer Photo Credit: *Gabi*Gabriela*

Don’t forget that you can use concealer, but check you have a good quality one that is in the right colour and blends into your skin tone well. Just use it where you need it, including on your lips, if you want to create a creamy look!



Mascara! Photo Credit: ashley rose,

Remember that your eyes can still look amazing without masses of make up! Apply lashings of a good, volumizing mascara and curl your eyelashes, to give them maximum impact.



Foundation? Photo Credit: cupcaketastic

If you can, try to skip foundation. Instead, blend concealer over your trouble areas, and leave the rest of your skin bare. If you just can’t live without it, use a foundation that’s pale & closely matched to your skin, and use much less then usual. A thin layer is fine, it’s a natural look!


Lip Gloss

Lip Gloss Photo Credit: ronsho ©

To give your lips some more oomph, try using a tiny amount of silver lip gloss in the middle of your bottom lip, or applying a clear gloss over your nude lips. This is perfect for transforming a day look into a night time dazzle!


Skin Prep

Skin Prep Photo Credit: Jason Webber

If you know you are likely to be doing the nude look soon, make sure you cleanse, tone and moisturize as frequently as possible before hand. This will make your skin glow, and make you look naturally flawless!


Update the Look...

Update the Look... Photo Credit: JenniPenni

Need to transform the nude look, and fast? Add some bright red lipstick, or a shimmery neutral coloured eye shadow. You’ll instantly look old school glamorous, in less than a minute!

The nude look is amazing, and it always looks divine in the Spring! Invest in some good quality make up that perfectly compliments your skin tone, and make the most of this easy to do and very stylish look. Have you got a nude make up tip? Please share it with me!

Top Photo Credit: miamizeiss

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

okay so i had horrible acne, i mean it was everywhere.. and people would constantly make fun of me for it. so i bought makeup and when i put it on in flourecent lights i looked great! but in natural light i looked like trash, fakke caked on orange trash and then id get made fun of even more to the point where id go home crying my eyes out. but now ive mastered wearing makeup and my skins clearer and i've changed in looks and in confidence. now im the most confident person in my schoool(: and it feels great. your doing a good thinkg with this. Love from Hereford MD.<3

ilke very much

Yea I have the same problem. I never had a older sister to help me with make up. And my mom was a totally different skin tone then I was. She had way darker skin. Mine is close to pale. Plus my skin is soooo dry I use top of the line creams to stop it from reacting. I can only use certain kinds of make up because my skin is so sentive. Sorry about my spelling I'm having a off day lmao

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