7 New Foundations You Should Try ...


7 New Foundations You Should Try ...
7 New Foundations You Should Try ...

I find that whenever I’m testing new products, the next batch of beauty technology seems to be just around the corner, and I never know what to try and what’s old news! I’ve been on the look out this time, and started questioning all my in-the-know friends about which foundations I should keep an eye on. And after much testing, here are my top 8...

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DuWop Foundation of Youth

DuWop Foundation of Youth Price: $44 at asos.com
This is a great foundation, as its so easy to apply! You don’t need a brush or even a mirror, and it automatically refills the brush meaning you get even coverage. The foundation itself is great too, being lightweight, and containing anti ageing ingredients which plump fine lines and restores firmness. What more could you want?


Rimmel London Recover Foundation

Rimmel London Recover Foundation Price: $11 at asos.com
I was a little suspicious that this wouldn’t be as impressive as the others because of the price tag, but my beauty artist friend demanded that I tried it, and even bought me some. I’m glad I did! It takes tired skin and really gives it a boost, energizing and illuminating it to make you look amazing, and wide awake! It really does give you an amazing glow, and the results are fantastic! I stand corrected, the price does not matter at all.


Benefit Play Sticks Foundation

Benefit Play Sticks Foundation Price: $43 at asos.com
I love Benefit make up, so I was excited to try this stick. It looks a bit like a very stylish large crayon, and feels like soft velvet when it smoothes on to your skin. It also instantly covers blemishes, and it’s really hard to apply it so that it goes on uneven, even if you’ve had a few glasses of wine. This is perfect for having in your handbag!


Paul and Joe Moisturizing Foundation Primer

Paul and Joe Moisturizing Foundation Primer Price: $33 at asos.com
I’ll be honest, it was the cute perfume-like bottle that made me grab this, but I’m glad I did. It’s supposed to be used under foundation, to moisturize skin and be a base, but I found that it was good enough to wear on its own. It did moisturize my skin, and give it a good natural glow, and it evened out my complexion and lasted all day too. A definite winner!


Korres Colour Ginger and Vitamins Lightweight Foundation

Korres Colour Ginger and Vitamins Lightweight Foundation Price: $30 at asos.com
This contains some sun protection, up to SPF 10, which is pretty good for foundation. It’s water based, which means it’s good for your skin, and won’t block pores, and it balances my skin and made me look like I’d had a good night's sleep and had a very healthy glow! I’m quite pale, so I was impressed with the magic this worked. It did feel a little heavy on my face at the end of the day, but it did an excellent job, and I’m definitely keeping it for nights when I just don’t get enough sleep.


Bourjois 10 Hour Sleep Effect

Bourjois 10 Hour Sleep Effect Price: $15 at asos.com
This is one of my current faves. It boosts skin, and really makes it look like you’ve had a really good night's sleep. That’s not its only amazing feature, though. It hides under eye circles, blemishes and imperfections, and all in a fairly thin and very even layer, which sits lightly on the skin and doesn’t make it feel too greasy. Amazing!


Jemma Kidd Pro Finish Moisture Tint SPF 20 Foundation

Jemma Kidd Pro Finish Moisture Tint SPF 20 Foundation Price: $27 at asos.com
This is so easy to blend, and my skin absorbed it so fast and looked so natural! It not only gives an amazing, even complexion, it also hydrates skin and offers sun protection, meaning your skin will look amazing even when you take it off. That’s the kind of foundation I like!

I’m having such a hard time deciding which one of these foundations to wear each day... the new technologies are amazing, and the different types seem to have such different results! One thing is for sure, late nights don’t mean bad skin anymore, and applying uneven foundation will soon be a thing of the past. Have you found a new foundation everyone should try? Please tell me about it!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Thats exciting to know. Till date I have only known about the basic foundation for light and dark skin thats it. Thanks for the information.

can i use bourjois foundation on my oily skin?pls advise

Thanks for the tips!! I'll try some of these for sure! :)

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