13 Ways to Transform Yourself for the New Year ...


13 Ways to Transform Yourself for the New Year ...
13 Ways to Transform Yourself for the New Year ...

Are you looking for inventive ways to transform yourself for the New Year? A lot of people do that come January. After all -- new year, new you, right? There are lots of ways you can better yourself this year, whether you make resolutions or not. Here are 13 ways to transform yourself for the New Year. See if they suit you, if they ring any bells, or if you think any of these are something you would like to do!

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1. Get a New Attitude

It's a perfect time to get a new attitude. That doesn't mean you have to completely reinvent your attitude. You might simply want to start thinking more positively, or you may want to stop sweating the small things. Either way, it's a perfect time for this kind of change, which is one of the most enriching ways to transform yourself for the New Year.


The start of a new year is a perfect time to make changes in your life and to start anew. One of the most enriching ways to transform yourself for the New Year is to get a new attitude. This does not necessarily mean a complete reinvention, but rather a shift in mindset. For example, one could focus on thinking more positively and on letting go of the small, insignificant details that can cause stress.

Having a positive attitude can bring about a wealth of benefits. It can help you to stay optimistic, to have a more positive outlook on life, and to be more resilient. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, and to improve your overall wellbeing.

Getting a new attitude can be achieved in a number of ways. One can start by practicing gratitude and focusing on the good things in life. One can also practice positive affirmations and visualization techniques to help focus on the positive. Additionally, one can try to be more mindful and to be present in the moment. Finally, one can try to surround themselves with positive people and to focus on the good in others.

2. Stop Procrastinating

I think everyone procrastinates at some point, over some things. I do it all the time even when I know I shouldn't be doing it. The beginning of the year is a great time to stop. Start planning the things you have to do and give yourself more time to do them. It will mean there will be much less stress in your life, and everyone can benefit from less stress, don't you think?

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3. Grab a New Hobby

Is there a hobby you've been wanting to try? Do you want to learn how to knit, roller blade, or go kite boarding? Now is the perfect time to do it – or to start planning it, because I would never recommend rollerblading when it's icy outside. Whatever the case, it's the ideal time for a new hobby. If it's something you can do indoors or something that's snow friendly, more so the better!

4. Create Some Space for You

Everyone needs space and it's high time you had some for yourself. That might mean creating a meditation space, or cleaning out the junk room to make a spot for relaxation. Make sure you have a place you can go when you need to get away from everything. That, too, will make for much less stress in the New Year.

5. Try a New Haircut

Sometimes, when you want to try something new and bold, fear of change keeps you from doing that. Haircuts are a great example of that. Don't let anything stop you from trying a new look. Remember, hair grows back. If you don't like what you do with your hair, it will back to normal way before the next new year. What have you got to lose?

6. Change up Your Diet

Starting a new, healthier diet is hard to do, too. No matter how much you want to, taking that first step is always the hardest part. Don't let yourself make anymore excuses for it. It's a brand new year, so incorporate healthier foods into your diet. Try new things. Learn new recipes. Try different cultural cuisines!

7. Refresh Your Love Life

Whether you are single or in a relationship, married or just dating, it's a great time to give your love life a refresher course. Try new things with your partner, or do new things so you can meet someone. Take risks, do something you've always wanted to do, and make sure that the New Year extends to creating new memories and having new experiences.

8. Get out of Your Comfort Zone

Sometimes the best way to transform yourself is to do something that is out of your comfort zone. You have spent the whole year doing things that you are comfortable with and although there is nothing wrong with that, I think it is time to actually experience something new. Personally, I believe that constantly challenging yourself and trying something new will not only add some spice to your life, but teach you more about the real world.

9. Meet New People

New year calls for new people in your life. There are no drawbacks to meeting new people! Making connections and long-lasting friendships can help you find your sense of self and expose you to new adventures. What I have come to learn over the years is that with each person you meet comes a new life lesson or a new discovery. So make sure to expand your circle of friends over the course of the new year.

10. Switch up Your Wardrobe

Of course what better way to transform yourself than by freshening up your wardrobe. It is hard to feel different and improved when you are still wearing the same old clothes from years before. New wardrobe can completely transform you into a different person and help you start the year with a clean slate.

11. Make New Goals

Setting new goals can help you transform your attitude for the new year. In fact motivation can completely change the way a person acts, so what more of an appropriate time to set new goals than the beginning of the new year! However let’s face it, nobody ever follows their New Year’s resolutions, so let’s just call these your new lifetime goals!

12. Conquer One of Your Fears

If you are ready to revamp yourself completely, why not change your mindset and conquer one of your fears! So if you are afraid of heights, go bungee jumping or even if you are afraid of something as small as a dog, then try to interact with one! This won’t just be cleansing but also liberating and motivational!

13. Make a Change

Sick of your job or the place where you live? Then don’t be afraid to make a big change and do something! The best way to start off a year is to get rid of all of the things that bother you and move on to things that make you happy. So if you are not happy where you are in your life currently don’t be afraid to go for big changes, because they always yield big results that might be for the best.

There are so many ways you can transform yourself in the New Year. These are just a few of them. Do they seem like good ideas to you? If not, what do you look forward to doing in 2019?

This article was written in collaboration with editor Vladlena Lee.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

thanks 4 the great post :) have been looking 4 a lil motivation xx

Great post! Attitude is everything!

New year , new you! My relationship ended recently, new year will be a great time to forget, forgive and leave all these baggages behind. Thank you for your post!

I really liked this... Could use an attitude change :) thanks x

interesting one.

Really liked this post. Thanks!

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