10 Simple Things Women Want ...


10 Simple Things Women Want ...
10 Simple Things Women Want ...

I can think of at least 10 simple things women want. I don’t consider myself a high-maintenance kind of gal and I feel I’m a fairly reasonable person in general. I’m not big on trying to find ways to get rich. Money might make the world go round at times, but there are so many other things in life that can make a person happy. The things I listed below are ones that I feel any woman can have with very little effort. Of course, it’s always helpful if there are loved ones in your life to provide at least some of these.

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Compliments Photo Credit: Cuba Gallery - Now on Twitter!

What woman doesn’t like hearing her outfit is stellar and her hair is gorgeous? A little compliment can go a long way. I know it’s always nice to hear something nice at least once a day. People who have been in a relationship with someone for a long period of time often get out of the habit of complimenting one another as often as they probably should. Just because you’ve already been complimented about a certain thing in the past, it’s still nice to hear it again, right?


A Little Bit of Consistency

A Little Bit of Consistency Photo Credit: justonlysteve

I’m sure there are plenty of women who can get along just fine with inconsistency, but it actually drives me a bit nuts. I would love to be able to have a schedule for each day. I’m fine with the occasional hiccup, but I do like to know what is going on and when it’s supposed to happen. The dog is about the only one around here who is consistent; she paws at the front door at exactly 6am for her breakfast and then again at 330pm. Any deviation from these times and I hear about it!

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Support Photo Credit: Jim-AR

Although a good bra is an excellent find, this isn’t the type of support I’m referring to. I’m talking about support with making financial choices, raising the kids, and basically standing behind you no matter what decision you need to make. I don’t always need someone to stand there all the time patting me on the back and tell me I’m making the right choice. However, it is nice to know that someone is around to back you up from time to time.


To Read a Good Book

To Read a Good Book Photo Credit: nbklx17 (Sandy)

I would love to have a day to sit and read a good book; without interruption. There is always so much going on in this house, especially with two teenaged boys and a girl in college. Oh, did I mention the animals are all against me reading quietly for more than 10 minutes? Pet owners know how demanding some animals can be and sometimes even more so than the kids!



Time Photo Credit: doug88888

If there was a way to add a few extra hours on to the day, preferably in the afternoon, I’d like to have this option every now and then. So many days seem to fly right by me. I’ve tried burning the candle at both ends and I end up paying dearly for it later. It’s difficult to try to squeeze everything in to one day, so I find it easier to prioritize what needs to be done. Making a list definitely helps!

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Respect Photo Credit: B.S. Wise

Being respected greatly helps to boost a person’s confidence. No one wants to be yelled at, belittled, or disrespected in any way. At least I don’t! People can disagree without being disrespectful. My husband is an excellent debater and thankfully we usually see eye-to-eye on most topics. We have a very high respect for one another, which is very helpful in maintaining strong communication between one another, no matter what.


Good Friends

Good Friends Photo Credit: Mister Crowley

There’s nothing like hanging out with a group of close friends who can provide you with the boost you need after a long day. I think everyone needs at least one same-sex friend to confide in. My best friend from high school lives 6 states away and she’s always there when I need her most. I can talk to my husband about anything, but sometimes I just want to laugh about the good ol’ days with my friend.


To Laugh

To Laugh Photo Credit: goenetix

I can’t imagine not being able to laugh. Did you know that geliophobia is the fear of laughter? From what I’ve read, this phobia causes people to become anxious about laughing at inappropriate times. Living in a household with a comedian and teenagers tends to keep me in stitches most of the day. Laughing is a daily occurrence in this household. I wouldn’t have it any different!


Someone to Talk to

Someone to Talk to Photo Credit: gin_able

It’s helpful when friends and family are the types of people who you can talk to when need be. I know some family members can actually be a cause for stress, but hopefully you have someone else to confide in to ease your worries or offer support. Studies have shown that people benefit from being able to talk about what’s bothering them, instead of bottling it up inside. There are some mornings when I find myself talking to the animals. Unfortunately, they have yet to divulge any secrets of the universe to me!


Help Doing Things around the House

Help Doing Things around the House Photo Credit: Happy Hermit

I’ll do most things around the house by myself, but I definitely don’t turn down any assistance that is offered! I know the rest of the family is perfectly capable of running the vacuum, putting a load of laundry in the washer, and scrubbing up the dishes. It’s always nice when they do these tasks without me having to ask for it first.

To me, these 10 simple things women want are a given. Unfortunately, I know of a few women who don’t receive any of these. Sometimes you need to make it known that you desire what is apparently only obvious to you! What other things do you have on your list of wants? Do you feel they are reasonable wants that anyone can provide?

Top Photo Credit: Bahman Farzad

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Nice one....understanding is something I feel I need most.

No. 1 should be compliments LOL would be great if your husband compliments you all the time even if you married for more than 10 years already

I agree with all of these!! Great post. :)

I really like this post and agree with each one. :-)

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