9 Gift Ideas for an Anniversary ...


9 Gift Ideas for an Anniversary ...
9 Gift Ideas for an Anniversary ...

Of course it’s fun to get gifts, but I actually prefer to give more than to receive. Coming up with something new and exciting to give my husband on our anniversary is always a challenge. I think the trick is to not focus so much on a physical gift. You don’t have to go all out and buy something fabulous for your man that he can show to all his buddies. The 9 gift ideas for an anniversary that I’ve listed below aren’t all able to be wrapped in pretty paper, but they can all be given with a smile attached.

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Homemade Gift

Homemade Gift Photo Credit: dumin

This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be uber creative and be able to make him a hand-thrown pottery mug to store his pencils in. Try to be crafty in anyway you can. Some women can sew, weld, sculpt, or paint in ways that make the rest of us gawk in awe. I cannot do any of these things, but I do bake a mean apple pie. My husband is more than happy to get one for any special occasion, seeing as I don’t bake often.


Surprise Party with All His Friends

Surprise Party with All His Friends Photo Credit: Michelle in Ireland

Most people think of an anniversary as a time for sharing just between two individuals. There are others who enjoy sharing their time for celebration with close friends as well. For my grandparents’ sixty-fifth wedding anniversary last year, my mom and her siblings surprised them with a huge party. All of their friends came to celebrate with them and it was a fantastic day. You don’t have to wait until your sixty-fifth anniversary to throw a party. Your loved one might get a bigger kick out of a surprise anniversary party if he doesn’t get to spend much time with his friends.


Opt for Something Traditional

Opt for Something Traditional Photo Credit: Strawberry Anarchy

There are plenty of places to locate a list of traditional anniversary gifts. If you want to stick to a traditional present, then find out what type of gift coincides with the number of years you are celebrating. For instance, a one year anniversary gift is supposed to be something made of paper. My husband and I each wrote one another letters and gave to each other. This might not sound like much, but giving a gift from the heart that is filled with meaning says so much more than an expensive trinket that collects dust.



Electronics Photo Credit: DodogoeSLR

Most guys are perfectly happy with something that is electronic. There are numerous gadgets coming out on the market regularly. This provides you with tons of options for something functional, fun, or both. There’s almost always some type of electronic device that men are talking about to each other. If you aren’t sure, then ask his friends or close family members. You can even take notice to any magazine he’s been reading or comments he’s made that revolve around anything electronic.


Tickets to His Favorite Sporting Event

Tickets to His Favorite Sporting Event Photo Credit: Dan Anderson

My husband isn’t a sports fanatic, but I have friends who live and breathe sports. A good friend of mine bought her husband front row tickets to a hockey game that was playing on the day after their anniversary. The tickets were for his favorite team and he was absolutely elated. Thankfully, she likes hockey too, so it was also something they could do together. If you aren’t a sports-goer, then you might be able to get one of his friends to go with him instead.


Something Humorous

Something Humorous Photo Credit: CameraGeek 2.0

There’s no rule that says anniversary gifts have to be completely serious and all lovey-dovey. If your guy has a sense of humor that seems to trickle into every aspect of life, then he might appreciate a gift that is more on the comedic side. It doesn’t even have to be functional, just funny. This past year for our anniversary, I gave my husband a grill. It wasn’t a typical grill either. He likes pigs, so I bought him a grill that was shaped like a pig. He thought it was hilarious. It’s only big enough for a couple of hamburgers to be cooked at the same time, but it does work and it made him smile too.


Gift Certificate to His Favorite Store

Gift Certificate to His Favorite Store Photo Credit: robinsonsmay

Most stores offer gift certificates for any amount you wish. Buying a certificate to a store may seem like a thoughtless gift, but it often turns out to be one of the best. If you don’t know exactly what to get your guy and you know what stores he likes to shop at, then buying him a gift certificate will allow him to choose whatever he wants.


Schedule an Adventure

Schedule an Adventure Photo Credit: pluckytree

A lot of guys are adrenaline junkies or at least wish they could be. Signing up your loved one for a day adventure of sky diving, rock climbing, mountain biking, or even a day in a race car will be something that he will remember for years to come. If he’s set on doing something with you, then try to choose an adventure that you both will enjoy. However, if you really don’t like the thought of doing something so exciting that causes adrenaline to rush through your body, then you might want to think of an alternative.


Plan a Weekend Getaway

Plan a Weekend Getaway Photo Credit: PGill Family

Spas aren’t only for women to enjoy. Men also enjoy a relaxing massage. There are also many spa packages where the guy can go out golfing, while the gal takes the day to pamper herself. Personally, I think this is the ultimate anniversary present that two people could give each other. You don’t have to go to a spa either. Just taking a weekend to head out of town and do something together for a couple of days will give you time together and some moments to relax away from the city-life.

If you are at a loss for what to get your honey on your next yearly celebration, then hopefully one of my 9 gift ideas for an anniversary caught your eye. Do you have something in particular that you give your man each year? What’s the most unique gift you’ve ever given him? Please share any additional original gift ideas that you think others will enjoy.

Top Photo Credit: Lucky Haskins

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

A nice post. My first anniversary is coming next week and I have planned to buy him his favourite designer wristwatch and to add a personal touch i make a cd with his and our favourite songs compiled by me. Now planning for a weekend tour also.

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