8 Tips on Staying Safe Online ...


8 Tips on Staying Safe Online ...
8 Tips on Staying Safe Online ...

Nowadays the majority of us own a computer, if we do not the chances are that we still use the internet at work, school or at a friends. Here a 8 tips on staying safe online.

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Run the Regular Updates on Your Computer

Run the Regular Updates on Your Computer Photo Credit: Patrick Hoesly

Many people easily forget to run regular software updates on their computer and this can leave them vulnerable to viruses and hackers. The software updates have often been modified to prevent attacks, so make sure that you remember to run these.


Choose a Chatroom Name That Does Not Reveal Your Identity

Choose a Chatroom Name That Does Not Reveal Your Identity Photo Credit: Lessthanthreedesigns

If you decide to use a chat room use a nickname that does not reveal any of your identity. In my opinion it is always best to use superhero names or celebrities and so in instead of using your first name or initials.

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Do Not Use Untrusted Sites

Do Not Use Untrusted Sites Photo Credit: Ryan Fanshaw Photography

The majority of anti-virus programs will warn you if a website is not trusted and it is normally recommended that you do not enter these sites. In my opinion this is worth following because any of the matters mentioned in the first five tips could happen.


Only Open Email Attachments if You Know Who the Sender is

Only Open Email Attachments if You Know Who the Sender is Photo Credit: wondertrading

A lot of hackers send emails with attachments that contain viruses that can completely destroy your computer or copy all of your personal details, this can lead to identity fraud. Therefore remember not to open any attachments unless the email is from someone that you know extremely well.


No Bank Will Ask You for Your Details via Email

No Bank Will Ask You for Your Details via Email Photo Credit: JB photographer

There are a large amount of phishing emails going around at the moment, this is where hackers email you pretending to be from your bank asking for all of your personal details. Remember that banks will never ask you for this information in this way, if they need to speak to you urgently they will normally ask you to go into your local bank.

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Create Complicated Passwords

Create Complicated Passwords Photo Credit: Simon Lieschke

It is recommended that when creating passwords you use a mixture of numbers, letters and symbols, if permited. In my opinion this is very good advice from experts because it makes it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your accounts. You should never write down your password either in case you lose the piece of paper.


Do Not Post Any Personal Details Online

Do Not Post Any Personal Details Online Photo Credit: Mason Poe

Social networking sites are very popular at the moment but try to remember to not post anything personal on them, such as your full home address. This is because other people that are not your friends may be able to view this information, which you really do not want to happen. Only write things online that you want to be made public to everyone.


Download or Purchase Some anti-virus Protection

Download or Purchase Some anti-virus Protection Photo Credit: dktechlabs

When you first purchase a computer it is extremely important that you buy anti-virus protection too, often stores will include a discounted packages. This software will help to prevent any hacking attempts on to your computer, stopping people from viewing your personal details and bank account details.

There you have 8 tips for staying safe online. This should hopefully help you to protect your computer against any unwanted intrusions online.

Top Photo Credit: believer9

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