8 Tips on Putting up Christmas Lights ...


8 Tips on Putting up Christmas Lights ...
8 Tips on Putting up Christmas Lights ...

Yay, it’s holiday season again. As much as I love Halloween, I still like Christmas. It’s not the “present” part that draws my attention in, although I love Santa visiting my daughter. It is the bright lights and the cheer that draws me in. So, I started early with putting up Christmas lights and would like to share 8 tips on putting up Christmas lights …

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Style of Your Home

Style of Your Home Photo Credit: SebastianDooris

Before you put those lights up, it is important that you determine the style of your home. Do you have a multi-story? A ranch? Victorian? It is important that you use lights that are going to complement the home you live in. It is a lot like accessorizing yourself for a big party.


Less is More

Less is more when it comes to Christmas lights. By this, I mean that you do not want to go and turn your home into the sun. This not only wastes electricity, but it could also disrupt your neighbors, so be courteous and think about them as well. Make sure your lights don’t shine through their windows.

Frequently asked questions


Blow up Figures

In number 7, I told you that less is more. However, I am not referring to those cute lawn ornaments, deer and blow up figures. With these, there is no such thing as having too many.


Check the Lights before You Hang Them

Check the Lights before You Hang Them Photo Credit: Reno Tahoe Window Cleaning & Christmas Lights

Before you hang the lights, make sure you check to see that they are all working. You should also check for any nicks in the cord. If there are any cuts in the cord, don’t try to fix it. Just go and buy a new set of lights.


Connecting Them

It is okay to connect lights together end to end. However, it is important that you read the manufacturer’s instructions on this. You should never connect more sets than what the manufacture instructions say.

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Hanging Lights

When you are hanging the lights, avoid hanging them on branches, trees, leaves or needles that are metal. Do not attempt to staple the lights or nail them into the tree. Use the plastic hooks that are sold in the Christmas aisle and follow instructions.


Plugging Them up

Safety should always be an issue. Do not attempt to plug more than two extensions cords together. You can easily purchase them in the length that you need. Also, make sure they can handle the bulbs wattage.


Outdoor Lights

I know this may seem like a no brainer, but I have heard of people putting indoor lights outside and then they are left with a safety problem. Therefore, as number 1, I am going to tell you that if you are putting lights outside, make sure they are outdoor lights first.

There you have 8 tips on putting up Christmas lights. Once you get your Christmas lights put up, step back and enjoy the nice light show. Do you have any tips you would like to add?

Top Photo Credit: kc1598

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