8 Things Women Should Always do Alone ...


8 Things Women Should Always do Alone ...
8 Things Women Should Always do Alone ...

When was the last time you were on your own? In the 21st Century, it’s harder than ever to find some alone time. From social networking to mobile phones, we are all in touch with everyone all of the time, and disconnecting is something most of us hardly ever do. There are some things that we should do on our own, though, and here are the top eight...

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Live Alone

Live Alone Photo Credit: Ivory Faces

Every woman should live alone for a while, even if it is just for a few weeks or a month. There are numerous benefits, from walking around naked to watching whatever you want and having the whole bed to yourself, and it’s good for your emotional health too. Plus, you’ll get to eat what you like. Bonus!


Admire Art

Admire Art Photo Credit: BoblyP

Have you visited an art gallery? Art is a great form of therapy, and going to admire it is a fantastic day out. Look at the listings for galleries near you, and find a display or theme that you want to see. Then, spend the day admiring the art. You won’t feel pressured into making ‘art-like’ comments, and you’ll get to truly enjoy the art. Trust me, it’s worth it!


Go to a Live Show

Go to a Live Show Photo Credit: Rod Monkey

Find someone that you love, and go on your own. You’ll find some amazing new friends, and it will be an experience to remember! Whether its something small in your local or a huge gig, it’s super confidence boosting, and you really will have fun, even if it does take a while to build up the confidence!


Go on a Road Trip

Go on a Road Trip Photo Credit: Ben McLeod

I love being in the car...whether I’m driving or being a passenger, it’s an amazing way to clear your mind, and road trips are always amazing fun. You can see some great sights, too! Pack your GPS and your favourite CDs, and go for a drive. You don’t have to go far, but you are certain to enjoy yourself!


See a Movie

See a Movie Photo Credit: DawnVGilmorePhotography

This one is fairly easy, if you’ve mastered the other ones. Every year, you’ll miss so many films because you can’t find someone who wants to see it as badly as you, or because no one is free to go with you. So go alone! Pick a film that you think you’ll love, grab some popcorn and chill out on your own. It’ll give you something to talk about, too!


Go to a Spa

Go to a Spa Photo Credit: Sun International South Africa

Going to a spa tends to be seen as a very social event, but most of the time, people go because they are stressed and need to relax. So take some time out and book yourself in for a lone treatment. You’ll find it much more soothing if you don’t have to worry about other people, and you might even get discounted rates for being a lone customer. I love going for a relaxing facial on my own...it’s the ultimate me time.


Learn Something New

Learn Something New Photo Credit: Abby Lanes

Think about something you’ve always wanted to learn. Whether it’s French or cooking, look into how you can learn it, and do it. I’ve had some great fun going to cooking lessons on my own, and my friend got a whole new career when she decided to try salsa dancing...she had no reservations as she didn’t know anybody there, and a dance school teacher spotted her passion and signed her up. Try your luck!


Go Somewhere New

Go Somewhere New Photo Credit: Steven Ford / snowbasinbumps

Whether you go somewhere abroad, on an adventure holiday or just to a nearby town, go somewhere new on your own, and take in the atmosphere. As long as you are safe, you’ll find it an amazingly empowering experience, and you are likely to make new friends, too! It’s a fantastic experience. And even if you only go for a few days, you’ll have amazing photos to show, too!

While a lot of these take some confidence, they are all do-able. And that’s coming from someone who can be really shy! Plan out your moves, and go and have fun. It’s a great way to stay in touch with who you really are, and to stay emotionally healthy. Have you got a suggestion for things women should do alone? I’d love to hear them!

Top Photo Credit: heathermphotog

Feedback Junction

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i think it's so important to do things on your own, especially as a woman to do things that get you out of your comfort zone. lovely article!

So agree!! I travel alone and go to gigs on my own!! Otherwise you keep missing out on amazing experiences!! Dont give a damn about what others think! Live your life and do and see the things you've always wanted to see!! Great article!! Xx

You must do it once.............independently living alone actually makes us realise our true potential.

Completely agree about living alone at least once. I still haven't watched a movie by myself. Someday someday :)

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