7 Things That Make Women Upset ...


7 Things That Make Women Upset ...
7 Things That Make Women Upset ...

There are some** things that can make a woman very upset**. In fact, there are quite a few of these things and ironically most men seem to be completely oblivious to them. Here are the top 7 things that upset me and my friends the most, are they on your list too?

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Leaving the House a Mess

Leaving the House a Mess Photo Credit: sunshine doll

Sometimes, women date or marry a man that does not know how to clean up after himself. This can really upset the woman as she always has to clean up after him. If the guy is constantly leaving the house a mess, even when he has time to clean, the this can be upsetting.


Men Who Don’t Listen

Men Who Don’t Listen Photo Credit: Xploi??? ™

Yes, you told him 5 times already and he even agreed with you. Now the event has come up and he insists that he does not know what you are talking about, because you never told him. Yeah, men that don’t listen can be annoying. I think it’s in their nature.


The Rain

The Rain Photo Credit: Ilko Allexandroff (a.k.a. sir_sky)

Why is the rain annoying? Personally, it’s not annoying for me as I love the rain anytime of the day. However, if you were to stand in front of the mirror fixing your hair, straightening your hair and making it look good, then you stepped out and got rained on, you would probably get upset too.


Unemployed for a Long Time

Unemployed for a Long Time Photo Credit: Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography

From blogs that I have read, I have found that women get upset if someone stay unemployed for a long period of time. What bother me is how people can collect unemployment for a long period of time and not even try to get a job.


Guys Scratching Their Private Area in Public

Guys Scratching Their Private Area in Public Photo Credit: Gavin Liam Levitz Russell

I know, this is the one thing that annoys me. I know they itch, but could you try to make it a little bit more discreet? How many times do you see a guy just reaching down there and scratching them? Why do they do this? Oh yeah, it’s a guy thing, I forgot.



Bragging Photo Credit: yyellowbird

People who brag over the things they have are aggravating. For example, there’s this one girl I know that has constantly bragged about her new phone. Do I care about her new phone? No, not really. Especially since I have heard about it 100 times. If you’re bragging about your cute little kids, husband or wife, then I’m all for it. But when it comes to the things that cost money (when there’s people out there starving), then I don’t care to hear it.


Playing Games

Playing Games Photo Credit: kenziepants

Guys, I’m not saying it’s bad. I’m a victim of this too as I am a gamer and so is my husband. Some girls get upset over people playing video games. I guess they think it’s childish or whatever. They don’t realize that video games can improve skills.

Yep, I said it! Leaving the house in a mess, men who don’t listen, the rain on beautiful hair, unemployment, scratching guys, bragging and playing video games are things that annoy girls. Take note that I only get upset with 2, 3 and 4. I would get upset with number7, but my husband always cleans up after himself. So, what upsets you?

Top Photo Credit: Anastasia V.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

If you feel belittled and insecure over a woman on the internet saying she actually likes video games, you need to work on your self esteem. So what if she does and you don't?

What makes me happy with my big butt is that J Lo and Kim Kardashian both have even bigger butts.

i agree with everything except for the video games....i like them too !!!

OMG everything that get me upset are on this list, except for the rain. My husband play those shooting games. I'm more into reading, so when he's playing games I'm usually reading. He would ask "how can you read books? Reading is boring". I usually say his games looks boring too. But recently he's been teaching me how to play his games and I have to say it's fun. I'm not good at it yet but it's fun playing along with my husband.

I get annoyed when someone who is supposed to be your friend talks to you and hangs out with you only if there isn't anything more interesting going on or someone more interesting around.

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