7 Ways to Catch Your Cheating Boyfriend ...


7 Ways to Catch Your Cheating Boyfriend ...
7 Ways to Catch Your Cheating Boyfriend ...

Worried that your boyfriend is cheating? It can be really hard to break if off without knowing for sure, so what can you do to catch him red handed with his lies?

Hiring private detectives is becoming increasingly popular, and expensive, so its often much more cost effective to try and find out yourself. Here's my top seven ways on how to catch your cheating boyfriend, but please be careful!

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Follow Him

Is he staying out late, or suddenly visiting the shop twice as often? If you've spotted something, borrow a friends car or rent one, and follow him. Remember to drive carefully and stay out of sight, and see where he goes. If he goes where he said he was going, you can be reassured that he probably isn't cheating. If he doesn't, you'll know to start looking a bit deeper.


Check Bank Statements

Got a joint account? Look for transactions that you don't recognize. Things can be obvious, such as lingerie or hotel bills, or more subtle, such as much more petrol then usual. Photocopy anything suspicious, and keep it in a safe place.

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Check His Phone

This is dangerous, as it will be easy to get caught and he'll know you are on to him, or feel very upset if he is innocent. If its possible, check to see his messages and call history. The same number repeated isn't good, and no call history or messages at all is suspicious. Any numbers you do find, make a note of.


Call the Number

Whether its an old friend, someone on facebook or you got it from his phone, call any suspicious numbers and see who answers. Remember to make sure your number is private, and to have a reason for calling. Pretend to offer a service, or be looking for someone, or just wish them a nice day.


Be Awake!

Notice how he behaves. Is he off sex, or are you subconsciously pushing him away? Does he eat with you, and still treat you the same? Is there any changes in behaviour?

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Keep a Record!

Write down how you feel, dates and times that he is out, photo copy phone records, bank statements and love letters. Put everything back as it should be and wait.


Confront Him

You should have evidence by now, so sit down and look through it all. Consider consulting a good friend, and asking for a unbiased opinion. If its likely to just be in your head, try to work on your confidence and trust. If its likely he is cheating on you, confront him, and hear what he has to say.

Remember that if he catches you spying on him, or looking through his things, he could feel very upset and that might spell the end of your relationship.

Be sure that you aren't looking for something that isn't there, and if you decide to confront him, decide what you want first and go in with a clean head and a smile.

That said, stand up for yourself and remember that if he is cheating, he doesn't deserve you. Good luck! Have you got a tip to catch a cheat? Please tell me!

Photo Credit: flickr.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Confrontation is a definite must. Of course, after catching the cheating part, parting ways is important. I am one of those girls who can never forgive infidelity.

Hi Kati! About confrontation can you believe that even after I told him to stop lying because I know the true, I've checked the story and it doesn't match he kept saying that he didn't lie. It was not cheating with other girls, it was simply lying but I consider that cheating too :)

Sheila, I guess it isn't. One who lies and cheat once is definitely going to do it again in the future. I'm the type that forge t and difficult to forgive quickly so…

Tavia, Lying leads to cheating at some point.. A person who you know lies to you can't be trusted and you'll end up always worrying and never believing him. I agree with you!

Confrontation is a top when you think your BF is cheating on you. Knowing him well enough you study his behavior an reaction when you confront him. Some of them are a damn bastards!

i am very suspicious of my husband, we've been together for five years now. Two years ago i started noticing he's cheating on me,he has changed passwords to every account that he has, plus put a pin lock on his phone, and we have two kids together. then i was referred to this hacker Computer(dot)Surgeon(at)outlook(dot)com, he actually gave me the new password immediately i contact him, and he gave me access to all his social media account. He's really good and different from all these fake hackers out there, i know this cos have tried most online hackers and they failed..... i really trust him and he does all sort of hacks too. just tell him lauren referred you

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