6 Sports to Try This Spring ...


6 Sports to Try This Spring ...
6 Sports to Try This Spring ...

I always vow to up my fitness levels and try a new sport in the Spring, but everything feels so hard and I never know what to try! I’ve invested in some new sports clothes and been doing some research, and here are my top six sports to try this Spring...

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Windsurfing Photo Credit: EOS1DsIII

Windsurfing is so much fun! It’s just unbelievable! I’ve been going with my partner, but there is always families trying too, and children seem to love it just as much as adults. It’s great for toning your body, and is affordable too, averaging about $200 for 4 people, for three hours. It’s such good fun!


Aqua Aerobics

Aqua Aerobics Photo Credit: Hector Melo A.

Aqua Aerobics are the perfect low impact workout, which usually has a brilliant sound track playing and tones your body in all the right places. It’s brilliant fun, and I’ve made some great friends at my classes!

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Netball Photo Credit: Colonel Killgore

Do you remember playing netball at school? Put your skills to good use by grabbing your skirt and hitting the court! As well as toning your body and increasing your fitness levels, you’ll make friends and learn team skills, and you get a real buzz when you win! It gives you amazing legs, too...



Kayak Photo Credit: pieceoflace

I’d never considered kayaking until recently, when we took my friends children to a ‘Family Challenge’ as a favour and the challenge was to find five places up a river in a kayak. Everyone started at different times too, so it really took co-operation and resistance... and although my body hurt afterwards, it felt so good, and I got a brilliant work out. I can’t wait to go again!



Archery Photo Credit: tinhyeulolemn

Archery is brilliant fun, and so addictive! It’s great for toning your arms and waist, and standing up means your legs will get much stronger too. You can even use handcrafted personalised bows, and enter women’s only archery competitions, which are so much fun!

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Cable Skiing

Cable Skiing Photo Credit: maapu

Cable Skiing is brilliant fun, and it’s a great team activity! It seems to be a big trend for groups of women such as hen nights, as it’s relatively cheap (from $32 per person for 2 hours) and great fun! You can even wear nice clothes, as long as they are waterproof.

Trying an unusual sport is really scary, but once you’ve mastered the basics you’ll feel on top of the world and your fitness levels will soar, and you get an amazing body too! I’ve met some amazing people while trying these, too, and got to try some things I probably never would have otherwise! Have you got a sport everyone should try this Spring? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: ahmed (John)

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